26. The Art Show

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Eventually, the two boys made it back to the art gallery where Jungkook's showcase would be held. His palms were growing sweaty as nervousness and anxiety washed over him. He stood next to a wall in the large room with Taehyung in front of him, talking to him, easing the unpleasant feeling in his stomach.

Jungkook thought about the events from earlier. How Taehyung had asked him to be his boyfriend, how he nodded his head so ferociously while answering with an anxious "yes!". He was happy that the two had found something to call themselves, after months of doing everything but calling themselves partners. Jungkook wasn't sure what they were until now, and it lightened the cloud above his head.

But as of now, the cloud was swirling, a potential storm brewing as he knew what was soon to happen. The whole hall was filled with paintings and sketches and photographs that had been done in Los Angeles. All art that was to be viewed by critics and collectors of all sorts today. And those reviews were to be posted in the New York Times the following day.

"Dont worry so much," Taehyung said as he held on to Jungkook's hands gently, caressing the backs of his palms with his thumbs, "All of them are here for one reason... You."

Jungkook blushed at his boyfriends words but worry still sat heavily on his shoulders as he watched the first people begin to trickle in. Taehyung took the youngers band and led him over to the main display in the middle of the room.


Taehyung stood back and watched intently as Jungkook greeted and conversed with his guests. So far, everyone was quite pleased with the work he had done on the west coast.
He was happy of all of the praise he was receiving.

He talked to collectors about deals for selling and auctioning off his work. He talked to critics about his style and process and activities while in LA. He talked to tourists about working with children and said that he would love to do similar activities here in New York. Everything was going so perfectly.

Once Jungkook had a minute of free time, Taehyung approached and told him that he needed to use the restroom. Jungkook assured him that everything would be fine as it had been so far, so the older left him with a kiss on the cheek and exited the hall through the back door to find the restrooms.

Jungkook sat in a tall chair as he observed his surroundings. The hall was alive with the many conversations between friends and colleagues of the art industry. It had made him so happy to see so many people enjoying what he had created. It was something he had wanted for a long time but never had a chance to achieve it. And finally, here it was. Soon, a very professional looking woman approached Jungkook with a warm smile.

"Hello," she said, "you're Mr. Jeon, I presume." The lady shook Jungkook's hand as he nodded.

"Yes ma'am," he replied.

"I'm Joanah Taylor. I'm in charge of public artwork in the city," she said. Jungkook's eyes widened and his heart began to race. Public artwork? Like murals? Jungkook had always been entranced by the gigantic paintings on the walls of skyscrapers. He could pick out artists like Banksy and Eduardo Kobra. Street art was one of his favorite things about New York City.

"Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Taylor!" He smiled.

This lady was exceptionally dressed. Her maroon dress clung to her body in the most pleasing way possible, making her body look absolutely stunning. Her long hair fell down to the middle of her torso in loose, brunette curls.

"The pleasure is mine Mr. Jeon," she replied. "I was just looking at all of the work you have done since you came to New York," she said, "I'm very impressed and would like to offer you an offer for a job and a high honor at a world renowned award ceremony at the end of this year. Would you be willing to hear more?"

Jungkook swore his heart skipped a beat. A job? A world renowned award ceremony? It's like everything he had worked for his whole life was paying off.

"Y-yes ma'am, of course!"

Joanah Taylor continued about the job and award.
For the job, she offered Jungkook a whole side of a building for a mural in the main part of Brooklyn. It was a 4 story business place with brick walls and was located in an area where many people would see it. It was also near an orphanage, so kids could see it as they played outside, or when they walked to school.
The award was for young and aspiring artists. The nominations were only made by the top notch people in the business. Joanah Taylor being one of them. So far, there were only 2 others nominated for the award, but Ms. Taylor assured Jungkook that he was in for the winning.

Jungkook accepted both offers with a greatful heart, smiling from ear to ear as he exchanged phone numbers with the lady she also mentioned becoming Jungkook's agent. They set up a date and time for Jungkook to come to her office to do the final signings on the things they had discussed. They shook hands and Ms. Taylor walked off to answer a phone call.

Jungkook sat happily in his chair as he thought over what he would paint on that gigantic wall in the heart of Brooklyn. But something about his mood changed when a group of 4 guys entered the hall. The 3 in the back were tall. One with brown hair, one with dirty blonde hair, the other with black hair. They followed a shorter male with mint green hair as he looked around the hall as if he was searching for someone.

Suddenly he locked eyes with Jungkook and began to make his way over to him. Jungkook gulped.

"Good afternoon," Jungkook said politely, but something about these people made him feel like they wouldn't be doing the same nice gestures. Why was Taehyung taking so long?

"Hey," the man in the front said, "are you Jungkook?"

"Uh-um... Yes."

The mint haired male turned to the black haired one.

"So this is the kid Taehyung had been blowing us off for?" He said.

Jungkook shifted in his chair. We're these Taehyung's friends? He could see why he never talked about them or went out with them. They were the total opposite of what Taehyung was, or that Jungkook could tell. Taehyung dressed similarly to them, but their aura held something different than Taehyung.

"You know," the man continued, moving closer to Jungkook, "I lost a friend because of you."

"M-me?" Jungkook stuttered nervously. He shifted a little on his feet. As this man got closer, he could smell smoke on his clothing, just like when he first met Taehyung.

"Mhmm," the man replied, "ever since he met you, he's been ditching us. He's been so into your little art shits and decided that all of this was more fucking important that his own friends."

Jungkook could feel his stomach hurting. He knew something was going to happen. He felt a headache beginning to form as the mint haired male continued.

"I don't even see what's so great about all of this. How do all of these people like this shit? It's a fucking joke."

Jungkook knew it was coming. Of course something like this would happen. A perfect day was always ruined like this. He jumped out of his seat with a spastic and quiet "excuse me" as he bolted out of the hall into and unoccupied back hallway.

He collapsed to the floor and failed to hold back the bile that bubbled in his stomach as he vomited all over the floor before him.


I'm determined to finish rewriting this either tonight or tomorrow! I'm not sure how the ending will change, but it will be along the same lines as before (for the people who've already read it)
Okay byes

Black on Pastel <Vkook>Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt