Ticks, Cuteness & Insanity

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Ok here's my day and thoughts, during a class session my teacher said "ok class what's it feel like for you when your angry" and I was just thinking out loud "well obviously when I feel angry I want to destroy everyone and everything" and my teacher just looked at me funny and said strong impulses, Lel. Then my friend Carlos had his friend on the bus and he looked adorable (check), and we were making animal noises and he whimpered and I was shell shocked at the cuteness then I snapped of it and did a squirrel (double check) and he's not gay (aw no check) and all that's going through my head is omg omg omg omg and when Carlos's friend got off a blonde boy on our bus is flipping the freak out because there's a tick on his leg and I'm dying of laughter the whole time until he's that close to throwing his shoe out the window XD sorry no pic phone died :/

Quote of the day: embellishment is a luxury in itself but there's always a price

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