Showing you how i think O.o

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Since everybody doesn't like me talking so much Ima talk soooo much but not so much just so much that that so much isn't that much of a so much just way more then so much, confused? Good. Now I can begin

Nevermind im just gonna be the derp I am but I wanna write something. But you don't wanna at the same time. But I'm bored and bored people write. So doesn't mean you have to write. Shut up conscious. Heheh I win. I'm not letting you write anymore. Aw. Ok my conscious is gone guys yay. Wait... Doesn't that mean I can be Satan, nvm I can't burn people with a glare. We all hate how people stereotype gays with that weird af voice. That's why so many closeted people have stayed hidden XD. Number dose, one or two girls always have that spider sense at knowing your gay so they could blurt it out to the school or be your best friend. I suggest the latter, but I would take my best friend and their crush, shove them into their crush and scream get some and run away XP ah I'm so lonely I'm having a conversation by myself this is why people give me this weird look at the doctors office. I saw a woodpecker and named him woody. I am upside down at the moment and that's why I bothered giving you this chapter. And I feel like I should go punch someone in the face for some reason but I'm not gonna because that would be mean. STOP SAYING I WANT TO FEED YOU CEREAL AT THE LAPTOP ISAAC. Meh but I got bored of this chapter and I have the energy to dropkick somebody off a cliff at the moment because I got half a nights worth of sleep oh god what about a full nights but Bai for nowz

About My Day and My Hyena Self (FINISHED &THERES SEQUEL)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt