My LGBT+ Story

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Since its lgbt day on wattpad im going to tell you the story about how I found out I was gay :3

I was dating a friend and we went to the mall with another one cause my evil brother dragged me along and we were laughing it up and at the end she was like I had a fun time I was saying ya me to with an uneasy feeling and then I was there and saw a guy and my brain just says he's really cute and I'm shocked at this then shut up brain then I went home and thought about my life lol, then these "gay" thoughts were going up everywhere and then I found that I don't feel love for girls I feel happiness and I misguided myself, then I just continued my life as straight as can be and turns out later one friend was bi and the other lesbian and we became best friends instead of a relationship :3 buut I has a crush on someone and it's... A boy gasp dundundun

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