Gym Sickness and Perfect Day

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Well I got REALLY sick and I'm still sick but it's not contagious so every bodies like ok you won't die, lol. During gym at my school we had football :D buuut my friends are great throwers and suck at catching and I caught while running so I had to go across 15 times!!!! As I nearly died ugh, then the bus ride I conked out and I woke up and like 2 or 3 people on my bus were staring at me and I'm like WUT and they were like dood you were whimpering in your sleep and they were like cute I'm like I IS NOT CUTE... Let's just say some people got slapped

Quote of the day: Nobody takes you seriously until you shank a b****

About My Day and My Hyena Self (FINISHED &THERES SEQUEL)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt