Ok ima do another question thing since ima bored

5 0 0

You people can do this too!

Favorite Trick?: Walk into Walmart and let lose 3 pigs, each with the numbers 1, 2, and 4 and watch security look for 3

How Many Times do you get bored a day?: I think you know the answer to that one. Over 9000

What color makes you want to scream bloody murder?: neon lime green

Favorite Logic Joke?:
Teacher:Why didn't you hand in your homework?
Student: Why didn't you grade my test?
Teacher: I have other students tests to grade
Student:I have other teachers homework to do
(Btw I did this XD, but I got a zero in respect for others)

What makes you so furious your hands burst into flames:
When someone calls me cute when I'm angry I'm like BITCH IM ABOUT TO GET FUCKING ADORABLE THEN

What are you hugging at the moment if your hugging something: I'm hugging a pillow, your all so jealous now

If you had a cardboard box what would you do with it?: give it to my cat or put it on my brothers head and use it as target practice

If you could have a piggy bank in any way what would it be?:
A life sized transparent white tiger with a raised tail and its spirally on the inside so when you put the coin in it spirals down the tail into the Tigers belleh ^.^


Favorite Movie?: OPEN SEASON :D

Ok it's done my boredom was replaced with stomach pain because I have the constant need to drink something... Can't you die from that? Oh well :3

About My Day and My Hyena Self (FINISHED &THERES SEQUEL)Where stories live. Discover now