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I SAW A 13 YEAR OLD KID WITH SPIKY BLONDE HAIR THAT CAME BACK FROM SWIMMING (no I was not looking down all you perverts out there) BUT HERES THE CATCH, HIS HAIR WAS PINK!!! OOOHMMAAAAHHH GOOOOOOD. Ahem. I thought it was hilarious but he rocked the look 🤔that makes me wonder what color my hair would look good in 🤔 Only Iluz knows what I look like btw, lol I'm uploading if I get wifi (ect forcing my dad to go to dunkin donuts through blackmailing) and see why the lasts texts were from Iluz going 'ew' (I swear to god if you took that out of context your gonna have a shaved head when you wake up) and Gry... *Ahem* Bailey was saying 'Oh Shit Nevermind' but still I gotta fanboy one more time over that kids hair *runs around in circle screaming something about cotton candy* *coughs and sips dr pepper* I'm good now, I still miss wifi and the town the dunkin donuts is in is weird as shit, I think it's a small religious town so when someone uses gods name they gonna be going down on him with a gun screaming demon, I had to hide behind a sign to stop a 16 year old boy from staring at me, it was weird. :| even  for me. But the funny part is I'm in Salem right now (BURN THE WITCH 🕯) jk I hold nothing against pagans and wiccans

About My Day and My Hyena Self (FINISHED &THERES SEQUEL)Where stories live. Discover now