The conversation was going great.

Twilight learned about the idea of civilization outside of Equestria, the idea of electricity-run technology and other personal ideals from the stallions.

She thought they were very particular and refined, but as she got to know them better, she realized that they were a little rowdy, most especially with each other, and could never resist making dark and inappropriate jokes at the spur of the moment.

Pop Cap would be the first one to joke. Blessing Basket would be the first to take the joke into a new form of weird context. Not out of the context, but into another one. Another...really weird one.

And this aspect surprised Twilight. Very, very much.

Heck, Rarity had pointed out beforeho-hand that Blessing Basket was probably a charmer. (And Twilight understood that Rarity implied that he would probably be as bookish as she was. She also thought that Rarity looked at him as fancy. Obviously, and some of you already knew, that is not the case.)

Currently, Pop Cap just excused himself from the conversation. She thought of course, that the act was done for obvious reasons.

"So, uh, how long have you two known each other?" Twilight asked the unicorn.

"Oh, it's been years." He adjusted his glasses. "Cap and I are real close. We're basically best friends!"

"That's good to know!" Twilight raised her hoof a bit. "Do you have any more friends, Mister Blessing Basket?"

"A lot." He said bluntly, with a bit of pride as well. His accent emphasized it. "We love hangin' out and all. Really happy that I got t'know 'em."

"I see. How did you guys get along?"

"Video games."

"Video games?"

"Yeah." Daithi looked at the alicorn suspiciously. "Ye got a problem with that, Twilight?"

"N-no! Not all! I-I was just surprised." She reddened at her stupidity. "There's collaborative video games out there?"

"Yeah. A lot of 'em."

Before Twilight could respond, Pop Cap returned.

"I'm back!" He raised his voice. "So, how are you guys?"

"Still getting to know each other," Twilight replied, "as usual," and ended with an awkward but cheery grin.

"Hopefully you wouldn't mind if Basket and I leave, would you?" The earth pony put a hoof on his friend's back. "Apparently we both need to attend to something."

"Oh," Twilight said, realizing her source of new company was about to go away.

"Yeah, sorry." Lui shrugged. "If you ever find him here, you should really talk to Night Owl."

"Night Owl?"

"Oh oh oh- he's another friend of ours!" Daithi added, already being tugged on by the earth pony. (And the tugging began to hurt too.) "He's, u-uh, an earth pony and stuff."

His companion giggled at Nogla's description. "So, uh, see ya then!" Then Cap began to pull himself and Basket to a secluded unknown area to Twilight.

She waved away, then looked at the area she was in.

"Obviously he isn't here." She said to herself.

Night Owl obviously was at the louder area. The name alone implies that he must be a crazy party pony. Not like Pinkie though. He would be one in his own unique way.

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