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The next commercial airplane we board lands in London, England and a guy by the name of Toby takes us to the house of Lucy Green. As soon as he parks the car, Jessica steps out, marches up the steps to her door, and rings the doorbell. Aaron and I make it to the porch just as a girl with chocolate brown hair and green eyes answers the door. She looks to be around fourteen and her hair is in a braided ponytail. She scrunches her eyebrows together at the sight of us; we obviously aren't who she expected.

"Hi, um, are you Lucy Green?" Aaron asks.

"Yes, and you're name's Aaron, isn't it? I've seen you around the...," she trails off in a British accent, eyeing Jessica and me.

"Yeah, my name's Aaron, and don't worry; they're agents, too. This is Abby and Jessica," he reassures her, pointing to us.

"So, what're you here for?" she pushes.

"Um, well, I'm not an agent, yet. I'm still trying to pass my entry test and I need your help," I explain.

"Well, alright, I'll do what I can. Come inside; my parents are out," she agrees. Once we're inside she leads us over to the couch and instructs us to sit.

"Okay, well, I just need you to give this locket permission to open," I explain for what feels like the ten-thousandth time.

"Um, why? What do I say?" Lucy asks.

"It's this thing for my dad. I don't know the whole story and what we do know is long and boring. Just say 'you can open, locket' or 'you have permission to open' or something along those lines," Aaron explains, sort of.

"Okay, you can open, locket," Lucy says.

"Great, thanks," I thank her before we leave. Once outside I turn to Aaron and Jessica.

"Well, that was easy." They nod in agreement. "I really do feel bad about lying to everyone else, though."

"Think of it this way; you're an undercover agent on a covert mission. Besides, we didn't lie to everyone, only Brice and Nick, and Nick will learn the truth in a year anyway," Aaron says.

"...and my parents," I mutter so no one can hear.

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