37 - Lucy and Taylor

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Taylor wants us to go to this shop that Abby's dad owns. "Which way is it?" I ask her.

"Um, it should just be on the other side of the woods, but I don't know which direction. It's just the opposite way of the CMRA," she replies.

"Oh, the CMRA is that way," I say, pointing behind us. I saw it while I was up in the air.

"Okay, then the shop is that way." Taylor points in the opposite direction.

"Alright, I suppose we should get going." I start walking and Taylor follows, so I assume I'm going the right way. The forest is very lovely. I like the way the sunlight shines through the leaves. Their rustling that scared me at night is calming and beautiful by day. Soon I become aware of what sounds a lot like the swishing leaves, but it is a constant noise that's getting louder. It sounds almost like...running water. "Hey, Taylor, do you hear that?" I ask, stopping so she can listen.


"The rushing noise, it sounds as if there's a river nearby."

"Yeah, I hear it now. There is a stream behind the strip mall surrounded by some trees, and there's a little bridge on the road parallel to the shop because of the same stream. It would make sense that it ran through here."

"So, if we find the stream we can just follow it until we're behind the shop?" That sounds pretty easy.

"Yeah, I guess we could," Taylor answers. "Which direction is the sound coming from?" We both listen for a minute.

"It's to our left; I think," I say. Taylor nods in agreement. We turn left and walk forward. Sure enough, the sound gets louder and eventually we come upon the creek. Coincidentally, even it is running away from the RA.


I had completely forgotten about that stream, and I never would have remembered if it weren't for Lucy. It is much easier just to follow it. And if finding the creek wasn't lucky enough, after following it a short ways we find a blackberry bush. My mouth is pretty dry at this point and I can't complain about finding some food. Most of the berries on the bush aren't ripe yet; it's still early in the summer, but there are a few early bloomers that look ready to eat. "The ripe ones are completely black," I tell Lucy.

"Are you sure they aren't poisonous?" she asks skeptically. I pick a fat juicy one and pop it in my mouth.

"Yup," I reassure her. "You just might not want to eat the center." I try to make sure we each get about the same amount of berries and soon we've picked the bush clean.

"They're pretty good. I've had blackberry jam before, and it's a little too sweet, but these are like sweet and bitter. They're good," Lucy says.

"I'm glad you like them, so, onward then?"

"Yes." Now the only thing we have to worry about as we walk is being attacked. The further we go, the more anxious I get. I feel like we're pushing our luck and that we'll be ambushed any minute now, but there is still not even on agent in sight. I try to focus on the water; the stream is gradually getting wider.

"Look," Lucy points to the water, "There are fish." I smile. I used to go fishing with my dad in a creek like this. My heart sinks when I remember where he is. I hope I get to see him again. I even wonder where my annoying older sister, Jenna, is. As much as we fight, I hope she's okay, too.

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