25 - Abby

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After Mr. Shaw gives the order to attack, it's pure chaos. My sisters are lost in the crowd. I guess I'm not the biggest concern since Mr. Shaw, with his new power, disappears into thin air. Jessica and I go undetected for a second before one lady in a green baseball cap turns around and makes eye contact with me. She instantly starts marching towards us. I grab Jessica's hand and look for somewhere to run, but it's wall to wall people. A few more agents by Jessica notice us and come after us. I try to pull us along the stage in the opposite direction, but the woman in the baseball cap reaches us and grabs my shirt hem. I release Jessica's arm and jerk backwards trying to yank it away, but the woman grasps my shoulder and drags me forward. Another agent almost grabs Jessica, but she dodges. The lady holding me releases my shirt and pulls a gun.

"Hold still," she says, aiming it at me. My heart pounds in my chest and my ears, drowning out the crowd. A rush of adrenaline ripples through my body as she places her finger on the trigger. In my peripheral vision I notice Designed by: Jayce Worldd imprinted on the barrel. How ironic. A blurry flash of black swipes through my line of vision and it takes me a second to realize someone knocked the muzzle of the gun away from me, and then cuffed the female agent in the cheek. Her baseball cap is knocked off her head and flutters to the ground. I look up to see Marie with a wild look in her eyes; she twists the gun away from the now hatless lady and throws her off balance.

"Leave us alone!" she shouts, shakily pointing the gun down at the agent. Sarah appears a few steps behind her.

"Come on!" she shouts and grabs Marie's arm. Marie takes my hand and pulls me along behind her and Sarah. We head for the door with Jessica on my heels. Dodging poorly organized RA agents we race up the stairs. The hatch is in sight, but it's shut securely. Marie and Sarah hesitate for a moment, but a moment is all it takes for an agent to point a gun at Jessica's head. Marie jerks me to the side and plants her foot in the man's stomach. He curls over and I see a flash as she grabs his wrists, then sends a pulse of electricity through him. He falls back twitching.

A few agents in front of us chasing some Worldds ahead of us turn around screaming, "Get down!" I glimpse Jayce and Levina at the top of the stairs before Marie yanks Sarah, Jessica, and me to the ground. I cover my head with my hands like we do during a tornado drill at school. A huge explosion vibrates my bones and hurts my ears. When I raise my head my ears are ringing, blocking out all other noise. Marie is shouting something. She pulls me to my feet and I see the entrance hatch has been blown to smithereens. With Jessica still behind me and agents trailing her I am dragged outside. My hearing is slowly returning and the ringing is fading.

"Where should we go?" Sarah asks. "The CMRA knows where our house is and logically we would go there, so that's out." Marie doesn't have an answer. After a moment my hearing is restored and I speak up.

"Why don't we go to the World Defender's headquarters? The place our parents fought from."

"What? Where's that at?" Marie asks, confused.

"Well, it's supposedly at Dad's shop," I tell them. Bert had better be right about this. Agents are already starting to pour out of the hatch.

"Alright, alright, if you're sure, let's go, but go through the woods!" Marie shouts and we take off. It's amazing how fast we clear the space between the CMRA entrance and the trees (Well, Jessica is having quite a bit of difficulty). Being a generator is awesome.

We plunge into the forest and run. Only a few yards in a human-shaped figure jumps out from behind a tree and grabs Sarah. We all stop and Marie lets go of my hand to help Sarah, but another man steps out of the shadows and tackles her. When I move to help my sisters, a boy a few years older than me grabs my arm and pulls me back. How many agents are surrounding us? I turn, terrified, to face the boy as Jessica is captured by someone else. In a desperate panic I lash out with my fist and, on contact with his skin, send magic ice spreading through his body.

"Ah!" he yelps and lets me go in surprise. I turn around to see Sarah and Marie have been backed deeper into the woods, or at least I think that's what happened because I don't see them. While my back is turned the man holding Jessica reaches towards me with his free hand; the other one has Jessica in a headlock. I whip around when his fingers graze my back and touch him with my hand, sending ice down his arm. His surprise is enough to allow Jessica to escape, but after a moment he causes his arm to break out in flame, thawing it out. I swallow as the guy behind me does the same thing. Jessica holds her hands up and jets of water flood from her palms. The pressure is so strong the water knocks the younger guy to the ground and causes the other man to stumble back. The problem is that the force of the water is too much for her and her own power sends her sprawling. Thankfully, she manages to shut off the water and I help her to her feet. Not seeing any sign of my sisters, we sprint away before the two agents can regain their senses. I really hope Marie and Sarah are okay.

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