27 - Lucy

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I think I've lost the agents chasing me, but to be sure I slow down and listen. I can't hear any footsteps behind me and I don't see anyone, so I stop. It's not until now that I realize I'm lost. I didn't really pay attention to where I was heading when I left the CMRA; I just kind of ran across the street into the trees. In retrospect, that probably wasn't the best idea as the only time I've been in a forest was when I went on a camping trip with some mates. That's it. I don't even know which way the CMRA is! I look up, a faint stream of moonlight flows through the trees and their branches cast arcane shadows on the ground. The trees themselves seem to lean slightly; like at any moment they'll all fall and crush me. Don't be silly. It's all in your head I think to myself. Besides, I've got bigger things to worry about. Each shadow seems to hide an agent. Every falling twig is the footsteps of my murderer, and every leaf rustled by a gust of wind is an agent cocking a gun. When my adrenaline rush wears off I slink against a tree trunk and slide to the ground, tired of being scared, heck, tired in general. With my last bit of energy I pile some leaves on top of me in a weak attempt at camouflage and then close my eyes.

I awake to a surprising fact...I'm alive! Trying to sit up, I feel something on my stomach and looking down. All my relief dissipates. A snake that must be a meter long lays curled up on my abdomen. I hold my breath, the snake is light brown with dark brown splotches all along its back; it looks like a venomous copperhead. Slowly I exhale, careful not to move my chest too much, and then inhale. My heart pounds, how am I going to get out of this? I feel ready to scream, or cry. Then, just when I think things can't get much worse, I hear the sound of footsteps nearby. Maybe the person won't see me I hope desperately. Unfortunately, the steps grow louder and closer. Crunch, crunch, crunch, I hear the leaves being pulverized underfoot. Before I decide whether to get up and risk a copperhead bite or stay still and defenseless against a human attacker, a girl stumbles out from the bushes.

I swallow, trying desperately not to make a sound. She has blonde hair and blue eyes and she looks younger than me, eleven maybe. Not that it matters, with a copperhead on my stomach I might as well be an infant; I'm just as helpless. I only manage to go undetected for a moment before the girl sees me. She freezes, staring wide-eyed. When I don't move she steps tentatively forward until she's only a meter or two away from me. When we make eye contact she tilts her head, confused, but then she notices the snake. Well, she hasn't hurt me yet and I need help. Even if she is working for the RA, perhaps she'll be merciful.

"Help, please," I whisper, "copperhead." The girl opens her mouth as if to say something, but then shuts it.

"I might help you. Which side are you on?" I look at her blank expression. Should I tell the truth or say I'm with the RA? I suppose if I tell the truth and she kills me I'll at least have died valiantly standing up for what I believe.

"World Defenders," I say hoarsely, and brace for the worst. Instead, the girl's whole body visibly relaxes.

"Thank goodness, me too," she says. "I'm Taylor."

"Please get the snake off of me," I choke.

"Oh, sorry," Taylor says, bending down beside me. "...and it's not a copperhead. It's a harmless milksnake." With that she grabs the snake just behind the head with one hand and with the other picks up its body. As she releases it into the underbrush I sit up. "Milksnakes are pretty cool. They won't hurt you."

"Sure," I reply.

"What's your name?" she asks.

"Lucy, and thank you for taking the snake off of me, even if it wasn't venomous."

"No problem, Lucy," Taylor says, offering me a hand. I take it gratefully and climb to my feet. 

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