☆ five ☆

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weeks had past, and jungkook had gotten used to tae's company. tae had learned a lot about the strange comparisons of words and meanings of kook's language, and started using them himself. tae kept going to work with jungkook, and jungkook was glad. jungkook never had many friends, and the only other person he ever really talked to was his father. jungkook had become happier ever since tae came around.

"hey tae, it's time to leave," jungkook called, waving at tae to get his attention. tae smiled back and nodded, grabbing his new hoodie and throwing it on. it was getting colder out, and jungkook didn't want him to freeze. tae jogged over and waited for jungkook to collect his belongings before heading out. they both exited the shop and walked back home.

jungkook first felt something was wrong when they got to the apartments and through the apartment window saw the lights were on. his father would normally be asleep by now, and the lights were never turned on as the tv and the fridge were the only light source his father knew of. he felt tonight was gonna be different.  jungkook began walking again slowly, grabbing a hold of tae's hand for safety. he made up his mind after thinking for a bit and stopped, turning to taehyung.

"wait out here. i'll be back in a little while," jungkook muttered. he let go of taehyung's hand and walked up the apartment stairs. he grabbed his keys from his pocket and slowly put the key in the lock, twisting it. the door unlocked and jungkook looked inside. his father was searching in the fridge for undoubtedly another beer. jungkook stepped inside and his father turned around, muttereing curses under his breath. his father slammed the fridge shut and walked up to jungkook, pointing at him.

"why did you get here so damn late?" he hissed. he wasn't wrong, jungkook's shift was later than usual, but his father never usually noticed.

"later shift, the person who takes over my shift couldn't make it," jungkook mumbled, looking away. his father grabbed his wrist roughly.

"what was that?" he spat. his breath smelled of alcohol, nothing was new. jungkook threw his hand off of him, staring at him with anger. he told him what he said again only louder this time, and he kept his eyes locked on his father. his father shook his head. "you get home right on time, i don't care if they aren't there to fill in for your shift,"

he backed jungkook against the wall and jungkook quickly pushed him. his father replied with a slap across the face, and jungkook finally knew he had enough. he ran to his room and locked the door, grabbing a backpack and suitcase and beginning to pack his belongings. clothes, toiletries, electronics, everything he would need. he grabbed the money he was saving up and stuck it in his backpack. he slipped it on and grabbed his suitcase, unlocking the door and walking to the door. his father walked towards him and he quickened his pace, opening the front door and rushing out. he slammed the door behind him and bolted down the stairs, meeting tae again back in front of the building.

"what happened? your cheek is red, are you okay?" tae rushed, lightly touching jungkook's cheek. jungkook kept walking, ushering tae to follow.

"we aren't going back here, we are finding somewhere else to stay," jungkook explained. tae nodded, still confused, and followed him.

it will get better i promise

- jadey ☆

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