Chapter 4

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You left the coffee shop, it was six o'clock in the evening, the coffee shop usually closes at five but you still have to clean the mess that people left behind. You walked back to your apartment, you really wanted to go home, you wanted to play CS:GO for some reason. You opened your apartment door, you quickly went to your chair, you were tired. You were thinking about what to eat that night, you really didn't have any food in your pantry.

I'm probably going to get McDonald's or something, it's the closest to my house.

You got out of your chair and left your apartment. You were walking to McDonald's, you were tired and you didn't want to do anything but you were hungry. You soon arrived at McDo. You decided to get takeout, you really didn't want to be stuck in a greasy hellhole. You told the cashier to get a hamburger and and a soda, you gave the cashier money and waited for your food. 

People probably think I smell like coffee.

You heard your number and got your food and left. You quickly walked back to your apartment, it was cold outside and you were freezing. 

Goddammit, my food is probably going to get cold before I go back home.

After 7 long minutes of walking, you finally arrived home. You heated up your food in the microwave and ate it. It really wasn't the best thing that you ate, you didn't even like McDonald's, but it was the closest restaurant to your apartment. When you were done eating, you went to your computer and turned it on, you clicked on the CS:GO icon and started playing. 

(A/N: I never played CS:GO before please don't kill me)

You got on a random match, you were a counter terrorist. You started walking throughout the map, you quickly got killed by a terrorist. You're not really good at CS:GO, you just started playing a few days ago. You respawned back, you tried shooting the people from the other team and you actually hit someone, but it was your teammate.

"Mate, please don't shoot me or i'll fucking votekick you." Your teammate said, he had a British accent, you heard his voice somewhere before, you just can't put your finger on it. 

"Oh, sorry dude, I'm bad at this game." You muttered.

You looked at the chat box to see who was the person talking to you.

Oh Jesus Christ, why.

The person who was talking to you was the YouTube sensation himself, Pyrocynical. 

"I just roasted by a fox fucker, I'm crying." You said, trying not to laugh.

"I just love that Foxy ass, mate, don't judge me." He joked.

You realized that NFKRZ and Bamanboi was also there, as usual, Bamanboi was laughing like kettle pot boiling.

The whole squad is here.

You tried hiding somewhere in the map, you saw a person from the other team, you quickscoped him, the terrorist dropped down, dead. 

"Oh shit dude, I quickscoped someone." You said happily.

"(Y/N) is that you?" It was the guy that you just shot, it was Calvin.

Now were meeting in CS:GO, oh my god.

"Uh, yep, it's me, (Y/N)." You fretted.

"Oh, damn, Leafy," Pyro nagged, "is that your girlfriend?

You were blushing, you hid your face even though no one is watching you.

I want to die.

"Jesus Christ, Niall, were not dating." Leafy muttered.

You were laughing nervously, you really didn't know what to do.

"Pyro, you're a mug." You joked.

"Oh, shit, I just got roasted, what a savage." Pyro chuckled.

After the match, you got out of CS:GO and thought about your life choices. 

That was the most embarrassing thing that happened to me.

You looked at your steam, you had one notification.

Lanes sent a friend request.

You looked at this guy's profile, you died on the inside.

Fuck fUCK

It was Leafy, you immediately accepted his friend request.

Sorry for not updating it for a while, I had finals and I had major writers block AND ALSO THANK YOU FOR 2K READS OH MY GOD


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