Chapter 10

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You opened the hotel room door. You were instantly hit with the strong, sweet smell of vanilla.

"It smells like cake in here." You muttered, you really didn't have a problem with it but the scent might get a bit tiring for a while.

"At least it doesn't smell like shit." Calvin said.

"Pfttt, true."

Calvin started unpacking his bag, getting out his laptop. You forgot that he had to finish some videos for his channel. You also got your laptop out of your bag, your laptop wasn't really that fancy unlike his, it was an Alienware.

Jesus it probably cost like a thousand bucks.

He quickly went to "work". You looked at his screen. You weren't surprised, he was looking at memes.

"Hey," you exclaimed, "is looking up memes your job?"

"Shit, I got distracted." Calvin said, "I really don't want to this right now."

"Then do it later."

"Fine." He later had a smug look on his face, you looked at him awkwardly, what was he planning?

"Are you ok?" You asked.

"Yeah, I'm good, I'm just thinking of something to do."

Then he had a smile on his face, he walked to his luggage and got something out.

"Why do you have a Wii U?" You asked, he also got a game out, of course, it was Wind Waker. His favorite game.

"So I can play Wind Waker, duh."

You suddenly remember your middle school self, playing Twilight Princess. It was the first Zelda game you ever played and you absolutely loved it. You remember that weird and awkward crush you had on Link. Man, good times.

"So you just randomly got your Wii U so you can only play Wind Waker?"

He giggled, "Pretty much, yeah."

"You are the saddest man in the entire world."

"That's true."


"Ok you have to be patient in this part, it takes forever." Calvin explained.

Link was sidling(?) along the walls. Heck, do didn't even know the word sidle until you played this game.

"Now you have to go to that barrel and hide."

"Bitch I'm not gonna hide, I'm gonna run." You screamed as you tried to get past the enemies but you failed. They put you back into your prison cell.

"This game is killing me." You stated. You were trying to get past this part but you kept on getting caught.

"G fucking G." Calvin said sarcastically. "Y'know i can't fucking believe that it's already noon."

A lightbulb went up your head. "Hey, Calvin," you muttered, "we should exlore London for a bit."

"I thought we were gonna do that tomorrow." He whined, he looked like he wanted to sleep all day, he had bags under his eyes and yawns every 2 seconds.

"DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY FAMOUS PEOPLE IN BRITAIN?" You stated. You just realized that Pyrocynical probably lived here.

"Like who?" He asked.

"Benedict Cumberbatch, Queen Elizabeth, um probably Adele, and OH, THOMAS BRODIE-SANGSTER!" You exclaimed.

"There's probably a lot more but eh, I forgot."

"A lot more," he said, "but fine. We'll go outside."

"YAY!" You were excited, you can't wait to get drunk on tea.

(A/N: holy shit I finally updated it are you happy now? But hey, thanks for still liking this after not writing anything in like 4 months. Thank you for the patience love you all)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2016 ⏰

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