Chapter 6

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"Don't die (Y/N), I swear to god."

You were playing CS:GO with Calvin, the bots killed him so you were the only one on your team. You gulped, you had your rifle in hand, in case if they're close to you. 

"Jesus Christ, Calvin, you're making it worse."

You looked to see if they were near you, they weren't there. You started to feel the adrenaline rush, it was getting extreme. You looked again, you saw a counter-terrorist. 

"OH SHIT, OH SHIT!" You yelled.

"(Y/N), Don't you dare fucking die."

You quickly got into scope mode, you shot. You killed him, two more to go.

"I killed him." You said relieved.

"There's two more people." Calvin muttered.

You sighed, "I know."

You decided to quit camping, they probably won't go near you, you walked around like an idiot, trying to find a person to shoot. You soon stopped and saw that two of the bots are close to you, they started shooting at you. 

"CALVIN, I'M GONNA DIE!" You exclaimed. 

"(Y/N), don't say that or you'll actually die." He said.

You got your AK and started shooting, you shot aimlessly, you really didn't know what you were doing, everything happened so fast. You saw two people drop dead, you cheered.

"I FUCKING WON, HOLY SHIT!" You said happily. 

"I told you so, dude." Calvin giggled, "I can't believe I fucking died though."

You laughed, "I didn't die, I feel like a quickscope master."

"Hey (Y/N), you want to play with actual people now?" Calvin asked.

"I'll try, I'm so happy to play with twelve year olds!" You said sarcastically.

"I swear there are no twelve year olds." He assured, "I'll go to a server and I'll tell you what it is."

"Alright then." You mumbled.


You told Calvin that you'll go to bed, it was 2 o'clock in the morning, you didn't have work later but you were tired.

"OK, Goodnight (Y/N)." He said.

"Goodnight, you pinecone." You joked.

You ended the Skype call and laid down on your bed, you can't stop thinking about Calvin, you like him but you don't know how feels he about you.

Fuck, I need to stop thinking about this shit.


You woke up by the sound of your alarm clock, it was 10:30. You rubbed your eyes and jumped out of your bed. You were surprised that you had the energy to do that, you usually lay down on your bed for twenty minutes and try to get up. You slowly walked out of your room and sat down on your computer and thought of what are you going to do today. 

I guess I'll just sit down here and do nothing all day.

Your phone beeped, you grumbled and got your phone out of your room. It was Calvin. You wondered why are you messaging Calvin on Steam.

I really want to have his phone number but I'm too scared to ask.


lanes: yo (Y/N), what are you doing today?

(U/N): nothing, you?

lanes: same as you, i need to make a youtube video tho


You forgot that Calvin didn't know you know him as Leafy.



(U/N): you have youtube? what's your username?

lanes: oh shit, you're probably not gonna like my content but it's LeafyisHere

(U/N): oh i've heard of you before

lanes: im a cyberbully

(U/N): i know lmao, i heard you from pyro's videos

lanes: you should check out my channel ;))))

(U/N): fine, i will later. 

lanes: what's your youtube channel?

(U/N): it's the same thing as my username, again lmao

lanes: i'll subscribe to you 

(U/N): I don't even do anything to my youtube channel lol

lanes: are you that type of person that just subscribe to people and not do youtube videos?

(U/N): yeah lol, if i did what would i do anyway? 

lanes: minecraft letsplays

(U/N): oh shit dude no

lanes: just kidding with ya, but hey (Y/N), what to play csgo again?

(U/N): yes pls mate

(A/N: HOLY FUCK THANKS FOR THE 4.7K READS! I know this fanfic is pretty bad but thank you all for the support! I'll try and update more chapters, ily mates)

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