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Aries: Hey Leo, I bet I can start a fire before you!

Leo: No way! *starts running, jumps over a picnic table, pushes Pisces out of the way to get to the firepit* I am so ready for this!

Libra and Gemini: *look at each other*

Libra: Well as long as they don't kill each other.

Aquarius: This should be entertaining!

Cancer: *grabs Scorpio, runs away before they can be burned alive*

Pisces: *runs away with Cancer and Scorpio before Leo pushes her again*

Taurus: Well, I should probably take this with me, just in case *grabs watermelon and runs after Pisces*

Virgo and Capricorn: Feel like they should be doing something about the wildfire Aries and Leo are about to cause, but decide that they really want to see this.

Sagittarius: Can't really decide who to root for, waving sparklers around in a frenzy.



Aries: *mumbles something unintelligible, they can only hear the word* Cheater...

Gemini: *pats the angry Aries on the arm*

Virgo: Hey, where did Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces, and Taurus go?

All: *search for the four of them.* *finds them huddled on the wilderness, eating watermelon*

Capricorn: Hey guys, it's time to go back. The competition is over.

Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio: *stands up*

Taurus: *keeps eating watermelon*

Scorpio: Hey, Taurus, if you go back, we can grill this watermelon!

Taurus: *runs back to camp lightning speed*

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