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*Scorpio* : This is...

*Capricorn* : Total bullshit.

*Aries* : We're stuck in here all day.

*Gemini* : If only you two had just left the situation as it was.

*Sagittarius* : Oh don't you even blame us!

*Libra* : Yeah Sag is right! It's not our fault!

*Capricorn* : You got all pissy upset because the teacher took y'all phones.

*Scorpio* : Then for whatever freakin reason, you two decided to spray paint their car.

*Aries* : I still don't understand...why the rest of us got caught in this mess.

*Taurus* : You. Idiots.

*Cancer* : I agree. We weren't even apart of that.

*Libra* : Didn't mean for you guys to get involved...

*Aquarius* : I'm...missing my favorite show. And I... *cries* didn't even record it!

*Pisces* : *sigh* This whole situation is just unfair.

*Leo* : Yeah. It's unfair on so many levels.

*Sagittarius* : But we're all friends!

*Libra* : Yeah! Friends go down with each other!

*Virgo* : Friends go down with each other!? I'm gonna kill you for even having the nerve of saying that!

*Cancer* : Virgo calm down.

*Taurus* : We were only walking out the school.

*Leo* : Aries tried to stop them. Unfortunately.

Hours earlier

*Sagittarius* : Come on Libra. Pass me that red.

*Libra* : Here. I'm spraying the windows and you do the writing.

*Sagittarius* : Hehehe. *spray paints swear words all over the car*

*Libra* : Oh shit someone's coming. Hide!

Sag and Libra duck behind the car

*Libra* : Oh it's just them! Hey guys-!

*Sagittarius* : Still Shhhhhh! They're just gonna scold us. Keep hidden.

Aries, Leo and Aquarius walk out the school

*Leo* : You guys coming over?

*Aries* : Yup. I ain't got nothing else to do.

*Leo* : Watch movies?

*Aquarius* : Ugh I'm tired of just watching movies. Besides, I plan on going home and watching my favorite show.

*Aries* : Hey wait... Is that Sag and Libra over there.

*Leo* : Oh no... Look at the car.

*Aquarius* : *gasp* They're gonna get in major trouble for that!

*Aries* : Come on let's get them away from the scene of the crime. *runs over*

*Leo* : Aries no! Let them do whatever... Ugh dammit. *runs over too*

*Aquarius* : Wait for me! *follows up behind Leo*

Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces walks out of the school

*Pisces* : Hey look ! *points at everyone near the car*

*Scorpio* : Ignore it Pisces.

*Capricorn* : Yeah. If we keep walking, they won't see us.

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