School (Part 3)

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With Virgo, Aries, and Cancer

*taking the test*

Cancer- I am so not ready for this...

Virgo- The teacher told us about this test a week ago Cancer.

Aries- Yeah and she literally just reviewed what was going to be test like 2 minutes ago.

Cancer- She did?

Virgo- *rolls eyes* Yeah, she did.

Aries- Can you guys shut up? The teacher gave us some minutes to study and I'm not going to waste it listening to you two talking.

Cancer- You're right. Sorry Virgo, but I really should study.

Virgo- Fine, whatever.

*45 minutes later*

Cancer- Wow, that was easy.

Aries- I don't know why everyone made such a big deal about it.

Virgo- It was literally 30 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Cancer- I'm so glad that I don't have to worry about this test anymore!

Aries- We should do something after school. I mean, come on, it's Friday.

Virgo- Yesssss!!! We'll have a party at my place!

Cancer- This is turning into the best Friday ever.

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