The Mistletoe on Christmas Morning

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I know it's not Christmas, but whatever.

One day, the twelve signs woke up to find a mistletoe hanging from the entrance to the kitchen... Hmm... Who put it there?

Taurus: This just ruins everything. Great. Now what? We can't even eat on Christmas day! And I'm not gonna kiss any of you guys. You all smell.

Pisces: I'm too full from Christmas Eve dinner to even eat, though.

Virgo: Wait did we always live in the same house or...?

Sagittarius: Calm down, calm down. It's not that hard. One person goes into the kitchen at a time.

Aries: Me first!

Capricorn: No, we're going to do it in the order of most mature, responsible, and physically attractive. So go to the back, Aries.


Scorpio: I bet Capricorn craves that mineral for their birthday. HAHAHAHAHA! HA HA HA HA HA! Oh boy I am funny.

Virgo: *trying very hard not to strangle Scorpio*

Libra: No one cares about you, Capricorn.

Gemini: Ya dumb earth signs. Lmao.

Gemini, Libra, & Aquarius: LOL! Air sign girls before earth sign hoes.

Aquarius: OH wait. Well I tie with Taurus for maturity and hotness! :D So, um, Taurus...wanna just, we can go in together- oh, but we'll be under the mistletoe! Haha, what a coincidence! Haha! Taurus, I suppose we just have to make out, haha...I love you, love you so much, please...?

Taurus: Gotta go fast!

Libra: Why don't we just all squeeze in and give everyone a great, big, happy holiday kiss?

Pisces: Spread the love! <3

Scorpio: NO!

Virgo: Hey guys, you know we don't HAVE to kiss, right?

Capricorn: *le gasp*

Aries: What the hell, Virgo?! I never knew you were one to break the rules... Especially on this Christmas day! Have some respect for traditions!!

Leo: Shame on you, Virgo.

Taurus: Guys, I'm just gonna go in, I'm really hungry...

Gemini: WTF NO! We have to do it in order!!!

Aries: Taurus can join me in the back? :(

Pisces: Oh ok guess I'm in front!

Libra: This isn't the time for cracking jokes, dear Pisces. :)

Cancer: *pops out of oven*

Leo: HOLY MOLY DEAR GOODNESS GRACIOUS ME!!!!! You scared me more than when I found about Libra killing my puppy this year.


Cancer: Surprise, bitches.

Gemini: *stands underneath mistletoe, blocking the entrance*

Everyone except Gemini: ...

Gemini: Merry Christmas! Come inside and make some eggnog pancakes with me. Oh, but there's a password to get through.

Gemini: You have to gimme a kiss.

Gemini: *stares at Capricorn*

Capricorn: o_O

Gemini: ;-)

Taurus: *tears up*

Pisces: *sniffs* That was the most terrifying face I've seen my entire life.

Scorpio: There there, Pisces... *gulps*

Everyone agreed that going out to dim sum for a Christmas brunch would be better than having to kiss Gemini. But they had fun, and they later went home to open presents!

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