Chapter 1

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Jyushimatsu's POV

Ichimatsu has been acting weird lately.

It was a nice day outside and I was sitting on the roof all alone. Ichimatsu nii-san would usually be with me but I think he's avoiding and I wonder why. When I try to play baseball with him he says he has things to do or when I talk to him he just ignores me. This makes me feel...

"Jyushimatsu!" Todomatsu shouted my name. He was outside with Karamatsu both wearing their usual hoodies.

"Karamatsu nii-san and I are going out for a bit so it'll be only you and Ichimatsu at the house!"

"Ok!" I shouted back at him and waved them goodbye with huge smile on my face. After they were out of sight I decided to go back inside and see Ichimatsu nii-san.

"Nii-san!" I called when I entered the room. But he didn't look at me. Instead he was looking at something in his hands.

I walk up to him and look at him. "Nii-san?"

"Hmm?" he looked at me with annoyance.

"What's that in your hands?" I asked and for a second I thought they were-

"Nothing!" he jumped and hid them behind his back.

"Were those Karamatsu nii-san's sunglass-"

"No, they weren't." he replied in anger.

"Oh ok," I said quietly and went to go sit down on the couch.

"I wonder if I can grab them while he's not looking..." I thought as I looked at him. He wasn't looking at me. This might be my chance.

I ran and tackled him to the floor and grabbed the sunglasses, holding them above him and pinning his hands down.

"Jyushimatsu!" he yelled, trying to get out of my grip.

"Oooh! See nii-san, I was right!" I laughed as I swung it in his face. I loosed my grip and he took this opportunity to push me off him.

He grabbed the sunglasses and looked away from me flustered and shaking.

I looked at him curiously and asked, "So why did you have them?"

"None of your business."

"Aww, please?"


"Were you going to break them?"

"Then why did you have-"

"Even if I told you, you would hate me!" he screamed at me, getting up and leaving the room.

I feel sad. Maybe I shouldn't have done that.

I got up and laid down on the couch.

Why was nii-san hiding them?

Why did he blush when I mentioned them?

Is he mad at me?

Does he... hate me?

I panicked and sat up looking at the floor. He doesn't hate me, right? I know I can be a bother but he doesn't hate me. I looked up at the clock.

It was 6:30 in the afternoon. Osomatsu nii-san should be home soon. Maybe I can ask him.

Then I heard the door open. I looked up and saw Osomatsu looking at me grinning.

"Guess what Jyushimatsu! I won big time at-" I ran up to him and hugged him. Osomatsu jumped at this and looked at me.

"What's with the hug all of a sudden?!"

I ignored him. I just wanted a hug right now.


"So... what your saying is that you wanna know if Ichimatsu hates you?"

I smiled and nodded in response.

"Of course he doesn't!" he laughed at my question.

"Then why is he ignoring me?" I asked.

"Maybe he needs his space or just wants to be left alone."

"Then why did he have Karamatsu nii-san's sunglasses?"

"Break them?"

"I asked him that but he said no."

"Who knows?" he said and grabbed a dirty magazine from out of no where.

"What should I do?"

"Do what?"

"How do I get him to talk to me about it?"

"Maybe find away where he has to?" he said as he turned some pages in the magazine.

"Should I follow him?"

"Whatever you think is best I guess."

Maybe following him and seeing what he does might give me a clue.

I jumped and tackled Osomatsu to the ground. "Thank you, brother!" I smiled hugging him.

"Ok ok! Enough with the hugs!" he laughed embarrassed.

Then the door opened revealing Choromatsu.

"I'm home." he said but then saw the scene.

"And I'm gone." he said trying to close the door but Osomatsu ran trying to explain the whole situation while Choromatsu trying not to laugh.

Starting tomorrow I'll figure out what Ichimatsu is hiding.

(Author's Note: Thanks for reading~! This is my first time writing a fanfic so please bear with me if this came out bad! XD I'll try to update once a week or so! And I'd really like your input on this :) Bye bye~!)

Weird Feeling (Ichimatsu X Jyushimatsu)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz