Chapter 6: Day 2

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Jyushimatsu's POV

Nii-san kissed me... nii-san kissed me?!

"Jyushimatsu... are you ok?" Ichimatsu asked in a worried tone.

"I-I'm ok!" I answered averting his gaze.

Something has been on my mind.
Ichimatsu nii-san is taking me somewhere today and I'm excited, but that's not what's on my mind.

I'm thinking about the kiss! It kept me up all night wondering what it meant.

I touched my lips at the thought of it. Is it bad that I liked it?

Does this mean Ichimatsu nii-san is starting to fall in love with me?
I took a quick peek to see him looking in the opposite direction. I wonder what he's thinking?

Ichimatsu's POV

I seriously don't know where I'm going.

I know I said I'd take him somewhere, but I didn't think or plan at all.

What does he like? Baseball, singing, being loud, pachinko. Big boobs?

Should I take him to Japanese Hooters?

No, that'll be a weird place for a date...

I noticed there was a nearby pastry shop that wasn't crowded and with tables outside. Maybe I'll take him there to eat and then we'll do something fun together.

I guided Jyushimatsu to a table where we sat across from each other and waited for a waiter.

Jyushimatsu's POV

I swung my legs back and forth as a male waiter who was wearing an apron came to us with menus.

"Please take your time," the waiter said as he walked off.

"Nii-san, what are you ordering?" I asked as I looked at the yummy pictures of food on the menu.

"Hmmm... I think I'll get a slice of cake?" Ichimatsu replied like he wasn't sure. "What are you getting?"

"I want Cinnamon rolls!" I smiled as the waiter came back with tea.

"Are you ready to order?" the waiter asked as he pulled out a pad of paper and a pen.

We told him our orders and he left us to get them.

"So where are we going today nii?" I took a sip of my tea.

"It's... a secret." Ichimatsu put his index finger to his lips.

"Aww... can you give me a hint?" I leaned forward.

"It's something we did when we were kids," he smiled shyly.

I made 'the face', trying to recall any old memories.

"Here's your food!" the male waiter chanted as he handed me a plate with 3 cinnamon rolls, and on each had icing in the shape of a heart.

I looked at Ichimatsu's and he had a simple cake with white frosting, purple sprinkles and a strawberry on top.

"Thank you!" I told the waiter as he giggled at me and left as I waved at him.

"Tsk!" I heard Ichimatsu say as I saw him glare intensely at the waiter.

"Nii what's wrong?" I questioned as I shoved a cinnamon roll in my mouth.

"N-nothing," he sighed, grabbed his fork and began to eat.

I was eating my last cinnamon roll and I couldn't help but stare at nii. He's was awkwardly glancing at the other people eating and shyly eating his cake. It's really cute. Ichimatsu noticed and spoke, "Open your mouth."

Weird Feeling (Ichimatsu X Jyushimatsu)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz