Chapter 3

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Jyushimatsu's POV

"We're heading out! We're going to the horse races!" Osomatsu yelled as Choromatsu and him walked out the door.

"Same here!" Karamatsu said as he put on his shoes. "I'm off to go shopping. Jyushimatsu, Ichimatsu, do you want anything?"

"Hmm... anything is fine!" I smiled as he smiled back.

"No thanks," Ichimatsu quietly answered.

"Can I go with you?" Totty asked. "I kinda want to by a new case for my phone."

"Sure thing little bro," Kara replied as he and Totty walked out the door leaving me and Ichimatsu alone.

Is he still mad at me? Maybe I should ask if he wants to play baseball.

"Nii-san~! Do you want to-"

"I'm heading out too," he said as he got up from the corner he was sitting in and walked pass me and left.

"Awww!" I pouted.

Wait a sec! I should follow him and see where he's going! Maybe I'll get a clue to why he's acting this way. I giggled and left the house as I slowly caught up to him watched him from a distance.

Ichimatsu's POV

Geez. I ended up avoiding him, again. It's not like I'm doing it on purpose, I just don't want him to get too clingy on me. It started to drizzle but I didn't care.

I walked down the street heading towards the shopping district. I had to catch up to Karamatsu and Todomatsu before I lose sight of them.

I don't even know why I keep doing this. All for a stupid crush. Yeah, you heard right. I have a crush. Who is it? Well it's Todomatsu.

I shook my head at the thought. I'm so messed up. It's wrong to like your own brother. But I can't stand the thought of someone as cute as him being with Karamatsu.

I getting lost with my thoughts didn't notice the two were walking my way.

"CRAP!" I thought. "Think, think! Oh yeah I have Kusomatsu's sunglasses still!" I reached for them in my pocket and put them on. I quickly hid behind a store, hopefully not getting caught.

I watching them pass, both of them sharing an umbrella smiling at each other. Gross.

I got out of my hiding spot and caught myself looking at my reflection through a puddle. I stared at how the shades looked on me. I started posing and saying things like something Karamatsu would do.

"Is this what attracts Todomatsu?" I thought getting jealous at the thought.

"I-Ichimatsu?" a voice called behind me.

I just froze. Afraid who was behind me. I slowly turned and it was none other than Jyushimatsu.

Jyushimatsu's POV

I'm so confused. Ichimatsu was acting like Karamatsu nii-san! Is he-

"Are you a Karamatsu boy?" I blurted out. Ichimatsu just looked at me with a flushed expression.

"HELL NO!" He turned embarrassed.

"Then why are you wearing Karamatsu's sunglasses?"

"Uh... I was just pretending?"

"I don't get it."

Ichimatsu looked panicked and turned to look out into the street and panicked even more.

"I gotta go."

"Let me go with you!" I pleaded.


"But whyyyy?"

"It's a secret."

"I won't tell!"

He hesitated before saying, "Ok, I'll let you come with me if you promise not to ask anything."

"Yes sir!" I saluted as he started leading the way and I followed behind.

It was starting to rain a little but it didn't matter to me. I really wanted to know what nii-san does without me.

We were near the park and saw Karamatsu nii-san and Totty sitting together under an umbrella.

"Karamatsu, Todo-" I was going to call out, but Ichimatsu covered my mouth and made me hid behind a bush with him.

"What are we doing?" I asked.

"I told you, no questions." he said as he stared towards them.

I looked at them having fun and giggling. "How cute!" I thought and turned to see Ichimatsu with an angry expression.

"Todomatsu," Karamatsu smiled as he reached for Totty's hand, "I was wondering if you wanted to go out?"

"You're so painful! " Totty laughed, "Of course!" as he pecked Kara's cheek making him blush.

I smiled at the sight but then heard a crack. I faced Ichimatsu to see him break Karamatsu's sunglasses with his hands that started to bleed.

"Nii-san?!" I started to worry as the rain started to get heavy.

He just grabbed my hand and said, "We're going home. NOW."

-Time Skip-

We were almost home, both of us now drenched from the rain. None of us had said anything. I was starting to worry even more as his hand was still bleeding. I decided to take charge and started running, pulling him behind me.

"What are you doing?" he asked as he in a cold tone. I ignored him and ran inside the house and into our room.

I made him sit on the couch and left to get towels and a First Aid kit. When I found them I came back to the room and took off his hoodie and mine as well and then wrapped him with a towel.

I took his hand and started dressing his cuts.

"Why are you doing this?" he asked.

"I don't know," I smiled as I continued to cover his cuts with band-aids.

It was quiet.

"Are you wondering why I was following them?"


He sighed and said, "Don't tell the others what I'm about to tell you."

I nodded as he looked away and said, "I kinda liked Todomatsu for a while. I just like it when he laughs or acts devilish. So much that I want to be with him. But..."

I finished bandaging his cuts and sat next to him and started drying his hair with the towel.

"I don't know," he shook his head, "When I noticed that he started hanging out with Karamatsu I got jealous." Tears started to form in his eyes.

"But I can't compete with that. Karamatsu's confident, and I hate to admit it but, he's better for him than me."

When his tears finally fell, my heart was beating fast. What is this feeling?

I grabbed his hands and leaned in and kissed him, ignoring the surprised look on his face.

I removed my lips from his and these words escaped my mouth.

"Fall in love with me."

(A/N: Welp, first off... I'm sorry! I did say I was going to release this chapter right after Chapter 2 but I ended up forgetting due to my focus on studying for exams and then reread what I previously wrote and made more changes. >^< But now it's here so yay! Did y'all expect Ichimatsu to have a crush on Kara instead of Todo? Anyways hope you enjoyed and tell me your opinion so I can further improve my writing. Bye Bye~!)

Weird Feeling (Ichimatsu X Jyushimatsu)Where stories live. Discover now