Chapter 7: Day 3

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Ichimatsu's POV

So we decided. The two of us would be spending the day together just at home.

"Ichimatsu Nii-san~! What do you want to do today?" Jyushi asked with his usual wide smile.

"What if I taught you a trick?" I suggested while petting a stray cat.

"A trick?" Jyushimatsu tilted his head.

"Yeah. Go get the cherries from the fridge and I'll teach you."

"Okay!" Jyushimatsu ran out of the room and into the kitchen.

"So... you two seem to be cozying up to each other," Osomatsu leaned against the door of the living room.

"Huh?" I looked at him boringly and releasing the cat.

"What have you two been up to?" Osomatsu grinned.

"Why do you care," I said coldly.

"You don't have to be so defensive about it. Just wondering," Oso smirked.

"Well I'm off! Guess you don't want me to interfere with your bonding time," he waved and exited the house.

"Nii! I got them!" Jyushimatsu came back carrying a small container with cherries inside.

I patted the floor, indicating him to sit beside me.

Once he sat down and faced me, I put one in my mouth and chewed on the cherry. When I only had the stem on my tongue I began to turn it to a knot and stuck my tongue out so I could show him.

"Woah!" Jyushimatsu stared in amazement. "Teach me! Teach me!"

He got it down after a few attempts.

"I did it!" Jyushimatsu showed me.

"You're a fast learner," I smiled as I laid back on the floor. And closed my eyes.

"What are you doing?" I heard Jyushimatsu ask.

"I feel like taking a nap," I replied, my eyes still closed.


I then felt a presence beside me. I opened my eyes to see Jyushi resting his head on my neck.

"I'm going to take a nap with you too!" He snuggled up to me.

I wrapped my arm around him as I hummed a tune for us.

-Time Skip-

I woke up to Jyushimatsu nuzzling my nose.

"Jyushimatsu!" I gasped as my cheeks felt warm.

"I'm hungry!" He laughed as he let me get up.

"Want to buy something from the store?"

He shook his head.

"I want to cook something!" He smiled.

"I don't think that's a good idea," I said nervously.

"Eh? Why not?" He started to whine.

"Last time you cooked, you almost burned down the kitchen," I pointed out.

He pouted and I thought of an idea.

"Want me to cook you something?" I asked.

"Really? You'd do that?" His smile returned.

"I'm sorta hungry too, so might as well," I stood up.

I went into the kitchen and got out a package of mackerel.

I fried it with some vegetables and then made some rice to go with it. When I set everything down on a plate I brought it to the table for us to eat.

"Wow Ichimatsu nii-san! I didn't know you can cook!"

"Well I usually make this for the cats, so I know a little."

I waited for him to take a bite of it and when I saw he was pleased with it, I ate too.


"That was delicious!" Jyushimatsu patted his stomach.

"Thanks," I blushed at the compliment.

"We're home!" Todomatsu came in as with Karamatsu.

Jyushimatsu and I greeted them back as they sat down with us.

"Who made food?" Karamatsu asked.

"Ichimatsu!" Jyushimatsu pointed at me.

"I didn't know you could cook," Todomatsu looked at me.

"Why don't you make some for me sometime my dear brother?" Karamatsu posed.

"Sure Shittymatsu," I answered sarcastically.

"I smell food!" I heard Osomatsu barged in.

"Osomatsu, Don't try to avoid the subject!" Choromatsu came storming in.

"What are you talking about?" Todo asked.

"Choromatsu's mad that I used all our money to buy tickets to an amusement park," Osomatsu looked for traces of food on the table.

"You bought tickets?!" Todomatsu's eyes sparkled.

"I bought them so we could all go together tomorrow," Osomatsu started licking off to the plates.

"That sounds fun!" Karamatsu grinned.

"We should ride roller coasters together Ichimatsu!" Jyushimatsu clapped his hands.

"Why am I the only one who's not ok with this?!" Choromatsu shouted but was ignored.


"Please~?" Jyushimatsu pleaded to Karamatsu.

"Why do you want to switch places?" Karamatsu asked curiously.

"Might as well let him," Choromatsu sighed, "He'll keep begging until we do."

"Yay!" Jyushi snugged onto the futon.

"He's really attached to you," Osomatsu whistled.

"Whatever," I looked away.

"We could just scoot over one like last time," Todo mentioned as he texted on his phone.

"Oh yeah!" Osomatsu jumped on the futon and fell asleep instantly.

Choro sighed while Todo and Kara both laughed at Oso's action.

I laid at my spot while I noticed Jyushi's sleeping body.

"Goodnight," Todomatsu turned off the light and went to sleep like everyone else.

I kept staring at Jyushimatsu's sleeping face. He's always smiling, even in his sleep.

I carassed his face and felt mine getting closer.

I kissed his forehead and held him close.

"Goodnight, Jyushimatsu," I whispered.

(A/N: So my wifi was out yesterday and today so I couldn't post this chapter on my laptop so I had to wait >^< Well here it is and I'll be posting the next chapter when I do a final revision ASAP! Bye Bye~!)

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