Chapter 12- Happy End

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PoV Jungkook

-A few weeks later-

The excited screams of the fans were clearly audible backstage and I stand there, getting a quick check over from a stressed out staff. Next to me stands Jimin talking to Rapmon, while Jin, J-Hope and V are vlogging a few steps away. Only five more minutes and we will be on stage, presenting our new song and a few older ones. It's the first time for me to stand on a stage infront of hundreds of people going to watch me dance and listen to me singing. I start nibbling on my bottom lip and fumble at my sleeves. I'm getting nervous and a quick glance at the clock lets my heart beat faster. Four more minutes.
"You okay?" Jimin, my boyfriend, asks with a soothing voice. I nod, then shake my head.
"I'm so nervous." I confess and Jimin smiles.
"I am too. And Rapmon, J-Hope, V, Suga and Jin too. Nothing to worry about, you will do great. You are great." he says and I can't help but smile too.
"Did you feel like that at your first performance too?"
"Of course! I bet I was even more nervous than you are now. Remember, I was a boy at that time." he laughs.
"That didn't change much." J-Hope stands behind us, grinning evily while pointing with the cam at us.
"Soooo guys, here we have Chimchim and our cute little a bit too nervous maknae." he adds, first zooming in on Jimin, then on me.
"I'm not nervous." I say (totally not pouting).
"Noooo, of course not." J-Hope grins and then points at the clock. One and a half minutes left. My eyes grow big and he laughs, turning off the cam.
"Well, let's go, the stage should be ready by now." Rapmon says suddenly and J-Hope hands the camera to a staff, smiling brightly. The others are joining us now, everyone electrified and I start shaking. Oh god, oh god, oh god, ohgodohgodohgod-
Suddenly a hand grabs mine and I jump.
"Seriously, relax. Everything's going to work out well. You will do great, I promise. They are going to love you. They do already. And now come with us and do this, okay?" Jimin says and like a soothing warmth his words calm me down and I smile brightly.
"Thanks. I love you." I wisper and he squeezes my hand.
"I love you too."
Then we walk onto stage.

It's like I would explode, everything's hammering on me, the whistling and screaming fans, the lights, the signs the fans are holding, the entire atmosphere. It's amazing, I feel like I'm on drugs. Not that I know how it feels like to be on drugs...
The music starts and we start dancing to the first song of our series, I Need You. To be honest, I made some mistakes, but with the second song I am totally in my rhythm and not even my voice cracks anymore.
Then it starts. Butterfly. I do my steps, extending my arm and wait for Jimin to make his move. Then his face is near mine and I can't help myself and do some fanservice, so I sing extra dramatically and sad: "Will you stay by my side? Will you promise me?"
The fans erupt into loud screams and I can see amusement in Jimins eyes, before he pulls away and we finish the song.
After that the music stops and we line up and bow, before we leave the stage waving and the fans are cheering a last time for us.

Backstage we refresh ourselfs and change into new outfits before we get led into a hall, where a long table and some chairs are prepared for us. On the table are nametags, pens and some bottles of water. Oh god yes, I really need something to drink right now!
"Yeah Kookie, we sit next to each other!" Rapmon cheers and drags me along. Silently Jin follows us and drops on the chair next to Rapmon, Suga right on his heels.
A little lost I look at Jimin, who smiles at me and then laughs at something J-Hope whispered in his ear. I feel a pang in my chest and try to get into a conversation with Rapmon while stalking Jimin and J-Hope out of the corners of my eyes.
Then the fans flood the hall and our short peaceful time is over.

We make a lot of jokes and I tell some stories about germany, but I'm not really focused. That's because a certain someone got Jimins attention and they're deep in a fanservice mode, V caressing Jimins neck who looks shy at the desk. I really have to focus to keep my happy-go-lucky smile, because the jealousness hits me hard in the face.
"Look at them!" I whisper coldly, nudging Rapmon next to me who shortly let's his gaze wander to the couple before he does stupid faces at the crowd again.
"Just ignore them. You know they get shipped." he whispers back. But at this moment I don't care that they get shipped. At least he could throw some glances at me or put V's hand sometimes back in his lap, where it really belongs to. Luckily a fan comes to me and throws me a shy smile. I smile widely back and the girl lays a piece of paper on the desk. I can literally feel the bodyguard behind me who quickly checks that the paper wouldn't attack my beautiful face and gets back into his moveless pose.
"Jungkook, you're such an inspiring person and I'm a big fan of yours. Maybe I can ask for a favor please?"
"Of course! What do you want?" I smile back. Wow. I should become an actor.
"You." she grinnes and my smile falls.
"Excuse me?" I ask, a bit confused.
"I want you to kiss me. On the cheek or something." she explains.
"Uhm... I'm sorry, but we are not allowed to do such things..." I stutter, my face flushed.
"The rules say, that you can kiss fans, if you want to. Of course not on the lips, that would cause an 'incident'." she explains and now I'm really confused. What am I allowed to do and what not? God, I can't remember all the prohibitions on the contract I signed.
"Th...that's just an excuse you made, I'm really not allowed to do such things-" I stutter but she interrupts me: "Oh come on, a little peck on the cheek never killed anyone."
Behind me I can feel the presence of my bodyguard getting more intense and I can practically see him staring down the girl.
"Uh... Uhm... If you say so?" I say nervous and eye all the cameras from the fans, being constantly pointed at us.
With a triumphing grin she leans forward and I try to be fast and just peck her cheek to sit down again. Unfortunately she is faster than me and turns her head and for a millisecond her lips graze mine. Shocked I back away, feeling every single eye on me. Behind me my bodyguard finally gets in motion and practically drags the girl outside who has a winning look on her face.
I can't believe what happened right now. Next to me Rapmon starts talking to me but I can't hear him over my racing thoughts. Oh god, I bet this is all over the media right now and I have to leave BTS and go back to germany and-
"Jeong Jungkook!"
"Huh?!" I snap out of my thoughts looking at Rapmon like a deer in headlights.
"What's with you? And why was that girl dragged outside?"
"You.... Didn't saw what.....happened?" I ask, hope rising in my chest. Maybe it wasn't that obvious.
"No? We were distracted by V being the clown he is, but what happened?"
"She kissed me." I say silently and Rapmon gapes at me.
"Well she asked for a peck on her cheek, so I said 'yes' after a while and then she turned her head an her lips touched mine." I tell my leader as fast and silent as possible.
Suddenly my heart nearly stops. Jimin is looking at me with such a hurt look on his face even the fan standing infront of him looks worried. Everything he's done with V in the last half an hour seems to be forgotten and I feel unbelieveable guilty.
"It wasn't your fault." Rapmon whispers and leans forward so I can't see Jimin anymore.
"Please, explain everything later, in public you two are just best friends."
"I know, I'm sorry." I sigh and look up to the approaching fan. This time it's a boy. That's rare.

Jungkook x Jimin- The 7th Member (BoyxBoy) *finished*Where stories live. Discover now