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I'll be happy once I've done this certain thing.
I normally say this often not realizing what it brings.
We look only to the future for our happiness.
Letting life slip through our fingers in its fullness.
Will we really feel complete when the task is done,
or look back and see how we missed so much fun?

Self consumed so we can't see anything else,
hurting those we love as well as ourselves.
So many things around us to be grateful for,
when seeking for an answer willingly open the door.
So often, others see what's in front of our face,
but we're too blind to look as we're snared in the race.
What is this life supposed to be about?
Is it money, fortune, fame, or a big house?I often think about this .....
When speaking to a man on his dying bed, or stories of those close to death
none of these answers are what he said.

Family, love, laughter are what we should seek.
These are the precious things right outside your door.
But little do we consider the few real facts in life

I personally can't tell if am looking for the right full things in life.
But I can bet that I will go for what satisfies my spirit thirst of adventure
This not only because am a pastoralist but also a character that I can be identified with.

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