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Do you feel like each day is the same?
Do all things, every person, each glitch you encounter seem boring and lame?
Is the rut you're in more like a ditch?
When you want to rekindle the flame, yet the sike in you is dead,
Your urge to enrich your existence and soon you'll reclaim that old joy you felt filling your niche.
If you yearn to get back in the game learn to use the new tools that exist. If you don't, you'll be solely to blame.

Pain drags it's long burning fingers down the length of my soul.
Searing into flesh and bone and memory is the knowledge of crushing impact. Spiderwebs of molten tears streak down from top to bottom of my mind.
Crashing into the smoldering corners of what once was my life.
Time doesn't work the same here in hell as it does out in the light.
I see the twisted shadow of what once was upright strong and proud. Broken splinters stabbing into what once was beauty and strength.
All that's left is white hot tendrils of pain and fear forming pools of sadness.
I ask what different thing is in me
Pressure won't tell
Lemmi seek time advice
Am sure it will tell....

Growing upOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora