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Starve your distraction
Feed your priorities
Silence it speaks louder than words- to the soul. It's the silence, When you can focus. What do you hear? Nothing? No. If you listen, The silence will speak What do you hear? The sound of your heart, The thoughts in your mind, It tells you to move. Take action. Be What you are made to be. Set out... Don't be afraid. The silence. It can speak Louder than words. So don't be distracted, Don't be a distraction Just listen. Because silence, It says the most. It tells you joy Comes from within. It speaks in ways words cannot articulate.
No one knows your silence So no one will debate What you feel, Because no one can hear, But you. Your thoughts bring life, Or they bring death. They bring light, Or they bring grief. Will your thoughts make a difference? Who knows Just listen. In a world taken over by sound, Listen To the gentle static of nothing. Who knows. You might hear Something Because you listened To the Silence..
It takes time
Thou worthwhile.

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