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I don't know if human's will ever see every soul born, is right where it's meant to be For the rich to become the richest there has to be a place for the poorest The entire world is built up from the same level of dirt each soul is born without knowledge to cause hurt Humanity teaches us what a human's life is worth, by money and glory I am to believe "all lives are priceless, every soul fit's to tell Earth's story The luckiest to be born, is that of a poor man he learn's the treasures, of "everything he can Those born into all riches, have no true understanding of "richness seeing us not as human's, but those living in poverty "as an illness Love start's from the soul, and from there, it is taught to grow the rich find another kind of love, one only brought with dough Love, trust, compassion and grace, defining the difference in richest and wealth t'is the beggar off the street, who climbs the toughest road to earn his wealth He is the most blessed man, he is rewarded with the most valuable key for his wealth, is humanly "uncountable, for only God know's the value of he...

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