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The beauty in me is not in the clothes I wear, the figure that I carry or the way I comb my hair. The beauty I have must be seen from within my eyes because that's the doorway to my heart, the place where love resides.

The beauty in me isn't in a facial mole, but true beauty in me, is reflected by my soul. It's the caring that I care to give, the passion that i show and the beauty in me is passing years only glows.

Friends when you need them and when they need you, something to count on as much as I do, a heart full of laughter perhaps a few tears, a faith you can follow through all of your years.

Then fearlessly I sit down facing my last setting sun, as I contemplate all the deeds i have done, recalling a life that's been more than worth wild perhaps you will pause and give thanks with a smile.

Beauty on its own can define itself I claim to define myself so the adverb to our noun suits me right.


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