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My pride feels like chains on the inside
And it's keeping me from living free
My mind is playing tricks on me I don't know what to believe
Still I travel like I'm trapped in captivity
I'm only interested in me and what I need
No matter how much I hurt my family,
I can't see where I'm going walking blind
My pride is a mind trap with a firm grasp
It's following a path like a road map
I can't succeed in life doing it all my way
I'm walking in the dark when I let my pride lead the way
Always trying to do everything my way
I'd rather be lost and confused
Than be at peace being led by Your truth
My thought process needs to transform
Like a stage when you change the platform My pride has a grip on me, Pride has a grip on me
I'm going through a heart exchange
I pray my old habits don't return like a boomerang
Am I so full of pride that the only thing that really matters is what's on my mind?
I hate this feeling I have on the inside
My head is so full of lies call me Mega Mind All it does is feed off lies like a life line
I'm going in a direction that will only fail
I can't continue on this trail If I do then I'll fail like trying to fly a kite in the hail
pride has me behind bars like a jail cell and I can barely take pain can you tell?
I have nothing to gain no matter how hard I try to clean the stain
The pain still remains the same I'm fighting a battle that has a painful punch
Like when you eat too much food for lunch God I want you alone at the center of my soul In absolute control
My pride feels like chains on the inside
And it's keeping me from living free
My pride has a grip on me,
Pride has a grip on me
Signs and symptoms well known for wat am suffering from is .... Pride.
Pride will kill me ooooh...

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