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I need not to be a guru to know in life I should accept. If the grass can bend for the wind to blow across it. Who am I not to accept what fate has brought forth.
Great souls surrender it self to fate.To me acceptance ain't submission.But acknowledgement of the facts of a situation.Art of life lies in constant readjustment.
Half winning your battle is when you make up your minds.To take the bulls by its horns and make it work your way.
I have gone thru a few stages in life.Some favourable some not.There is expectations in results and consequences is what u get.
Arrange whatever piece that might come your way .Play the game the way the card fall.
I take everything they say I hate to struggle am not organized. But I can't fight I can't flee.I choose to flow.I can't control the ocean tides,I struggle and try to organize the Atlantic to my specifications I sink .If I let go and float I am borne aloft .
Make do with what I can .Life is not always what u want it to be but making the best of it is key to being happy.

Growing upTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon