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Katelyn's POV
I was eating ice cream at the mystery shack with Wendy and Soos until,A pair of twins around my age walked in with bags and suitcases.I walked up to them. "Hey,Um the gift shop is closed at 5:00 and it's 5:30 right now..." I said. "Oh,We are staying here for the summer! Are you too?! Where is Stan?!" The girl squealed."Hey,You kiddos! It's me your Grunkle Stan." Stan had said."Where are we gonna sleep and eat because I'm starving!" The girl said once more."Katelyn! Take them to the diner then show 'em their room! I am busy stuff..."Stan ordered "Sheesh,Anyway I'm Katelyn Woods."I introduced myself."I-I'm Dipper Pines."The boy said. "And,I'm Mabel Pines!"The girl yelled again."nice to meet you,guys. Anyway let's go!"I said. As we walked out Dipper's hand brushed against mine. I looked at him. He didn't notice but I turned a light pink. I heard Wendy laugh behind me so I gave her the sign. She shut up really quick. When we reached the diner,Mabel got spaghetti and Dipper got a hamburger. I didn't want to eat."Hey,Katelyn,Why aren't you eating?"Mabel asked "Oh,um.....I already ate?"I said more of a question. She shrugged. After they ate we went to the shack."Hey,where did the red head go?😐" Dipper asked."Oh her shift is over. Lets go to your guy's room."I said sadly because,my dad's birthday was yesterday. He died in a car crash on his birthday. Before I knew it they were done packing,Mabel was sleeping and Dipper was trying to open......oh my god. My journal!
"AHHHHHHH!"I screamed "wh-what?!"He asked "M-my Journal!where did you find it? I lost it yesterday!!!"I screamed "This journal that is black,blue lightning bolt symbol on it and says Katelyn Woods--..........Oh here."He said looking upset. After talking with him in a while I gave him Journal 3. The red one. "Bye,Dipper!" I hugged him and left." Bye,Katelyn.. "he said almost in a whisper. I ran home........well tried. Until two Doritos went to both of my eyes. I only seen through one eye which meant we fused. You see,When I said fuse I meant that one of my eyes were yellow which was the Bill part of me,the second eye was blue which meant that was Will part and the normal eye was mine.I looked the same except I had three different color eyes.We unfused and went home to sleep.

We unfused and went home to sleep

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