No Girls Allowed

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Next day
12:00 PM
Kyle's POV
I woke up from my alarm clock and I had a text message from Katelyn.
Katelyn:Hey, text me on where do ya wanna hang out and what time.
Me:Uh,The arcade in about 40 minutes or less?
Katelyn:Yeah sure!

I get out of bed and hurry to the shower. I take a twenty minute shower and then get dressed in my usual outfit. Then, I run downstairs, to the kitchen and find my mom,making Matzo brei. I ate for about ten minutes and then left. I grabbed my phone and told her I was on my way. I was across the street from the arcade,but it wasn't time to cross. I wait and wait until someone put their hands on my eyes.

"Guess who?"A soft voice came out from behind."Oh hi,Katelyn."I say and smile."Yup and hi!"She smiled and stood next to me. The light was ready for us to cross and we ran across instead of walking. I was on my way until, she stopped and gasped."What?"I turn around and walk to her."The moved to next month on the first."She reads a flier. "Oh. Well, I didn't have anyone to go with anyway!"She smiles and runs to the arcade. I catch up to see that she stops and reads a paper on the opening doors. The letter says:

"We are truly sorry,but the arcade will not be open until Thursday, due to an update inside. We hope you understand and please have a great day~
Sincerely,The workers of the gravity falls Sol arcade."

"Boo! Now what?"Katelyn looks at me and sticks her hands in her pockets."Uh, we could go to hang with the guys?"I suggest. She shrugs,smiles and nods. We start walking to Stan's house.

We reach his house and knock. He answers and looks at Katelyn first. He smiles and lets us in."Great timing the guys just got here!"He smiles to us as we reach his bedroom door. We walk in and find Kenny and Cartman sitting on the bed.

"Oh it's fuck-Jew and Keatlyn!"Cartman says and smiles to Katelyn."So, Kyle, we were just talking about...let me tell you outside."Stan Yanks me out of the room."Dude, there is this bad guy and we need to be our heroes!"Stan whisper/yells at me."Okay! Why can't we tell Katelyn?"I ask him."Because she is gonna spill!"He whisper/shouts again."We can trust her!"I says and drag him back in the room. Stan and I told her everything about us.

Katelyn's POV
"Do you guys are superheros? Cool! Your secret is safe with me."I smile as they sigh in relief."Good. We can't let anyone know!"Cartman basically shouts."Hey, do you mind if I join?"I ask. They looks at each other and then Kyle. He looks at me and sharply breathes in."Look, Katelyn we would really want you to join, but we can't risk you getting hurt! I'm sorry though.."He puts a hand on my shoulder."Uh,"I look at them and smile "Yeah I understand. Ha! What would a girl like me need to do that anyway!"I laugh and pull my phone out and go through Facebook. They sigh again and start playing video games. I find a post saying something that blew my mind.

"We should have our old heroes,Wolf Shadow and the mystic mermaid, back! In 2012, they disappeared and never came back! We need our old hero to take out this new villain! Please, Wolf Shadow and the mystic mermaid come back if you are out there!"

'they want me back? No! I gave that all up in 2012 and I failed! Agh! They need me!' I started thinking. "Heh, guys I know I said I was gonna stick around, friend....just ended up in the hospital and she needs me! Sorry!"I lied and hugged them and left. I raced out of the house and ran in the forest. I started searching for this old lake that I used to visit for an old friend. I fell down a hill and almost fell in a pond thing. Something with the colors of yellow,blue and a peach color swished in it."Mira? Is that you? It's me, Katelyn!"I yelled and smiled. The thing came out of the water and looked at me.

"Katelyn? You're here again!"She yelled and swam to me. "Yup! Nothing is gonna stop me from seeing good,o'l Mira the mermaid!"I say as she swims around."Did you hear the news?"She asks me."Yes! That's why I came here! I need you to help me train two people for an actual superhero group! What do ya say?"I smile. She nods and transforms into a human."Aw! You look amazing! Let's go!"I pull her hand and run to Gianna's house.

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