Bye twins

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Katelyn's POV
We were at the bus stop. This was it. My two friends are leaving me. The birthday was cute,though.

Everyone said their goodbyes to them and then there was me and Gianna.

"Do you have to leave?"I ask,tearing up."Sadly yes."Dipper nods and hugs me."Aw,*Sniffle*, how cute. Anyway,Dipper move. I need a hug too."Mabel said,pushing Dipper away.

"Bye,nerd.*Sniffle*"Gianna says and lightly punches Dipper's arm. He laughs and hugs her."I know you're going to miss me."He says as she hugs back. "Pfft,sure. I'm also,am not allergic to dandelions."She laughs as they pull apart. Mabel and I pull apart as well. Mabel and Gianna hug and then pull away. The bus arrives and they leave. We all cry and yell goodbye to the twins as they leave on the bus.

I smiled and wiped down tears away. I put my hands in my pockets,but then I feel something. I take it out and see some writing.

See ya next summer.

I laughed as I put the paper back into my pocket and walked off.

Goodbye summer

I wanted this to end before summer ended,but I went to school on August 26 and now it's a month after,at least I finished it.

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