People Change

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12:00 A.M.
Katelyn's POV
I woke up in a cold sweat with arms wrapped around my shoulder. I turned around to see Oscar. I gently took his arm off and got up. I put my shoes and a jacket on. I walked down the two halls quietly, I walked through the living room quiet as if I wasn't here and now the kitchen. I walked across the cold wooden kitchen floor and to the outside door. I opened it slightly and a little loud but I forgot my bag. Damn it! I made my bag appear and teleported outside. I ran to my lucky spot, finding someone already there. The person had a purple jacket and was wearing light blue skinny jeans. The only person I know that would wear that would be Pacifica! "P-Pacifica?"I asked. The person turned around. She had short hair."Katelyn?" Pacifica asked. "Yeah it's me."I said sitting next to her."What makes you come up here?"I asked."Oh it's just, I feel bad for Dipper."She looked away."Excuse me?"I looked at her."Oh No! Not like that! I mean,at the party, I cheated on him.."She had a tear drop off of her face."I bet he likes you way better than how I treated him."She started crying."Well,you never know....maybe he does his you."I looked at the stars."Hey I gotta go... maybe see ya later?"She got up and I did as well. "Sure. Bye!"I walked home. As I was walking I felt like I was being watched. Nah I'm just paranoid. I started running and running until I reached home. I opened the door and walked in."Where were you?"A person asked with an echoing voice."Bill, I was just outside for fresh air."I said."Maybe you should wake up blade. You never know,one of these days while you two sleep together he might get you pregnant."I put his finger up."PSH Oscar would never do that!"I laughed."Whatever."He disappeared and I got in my bed. Since Oscar wasn't there I took off my pants,so I only had my shirt,panties and socks on. Soon someone came in. I got up and looked at who it was."O-Oscar? What are you doing in here?!"I almost screamed."S-Sorry Ken and Ben are sleeping in my bed. So I thought you went somewhere so I could sleep here. But I can sleep on the couch if you want?"He asked."N-No,sure you can sleep here if you want but while you jerk off, try not to be so loud okay?"I laughed."Whatever." He laughed."Oscar?"I asked."Yes?"He asked."You are wearing boxers,aren't you?"I looked at his legs."Yeah..."He blushed again."Whatever."I laughed and turned to the wall. He had his phone screen on,probably watching nerd videos. I shook off the thought and went to bed...

*Wakes up to the sound of Oscar breathing hardly*

"What the fudge did I say about being loud!?"I turned around. Oscar was sitting,holding his face in his hands. "S-Sorry I.......had a bad dream."He shuddered. "What about?"I asked getting interested."O-Our family was murdered and you and I were the only one out of our family alive. You are all I had left."He started lowering his voice."Awe Oscar."I wrapped my arms around him. "That'll never happen to us."I said. He nodded and lied back down. I checked my watch and found out what time it is: 5:28. "Oscar. It's time for you to get ready."I said sitting up."Why?"He asked."You have archery lessons and then after Bill is gonna teach you sword tricks. Even though archery is one of my best talents."I flipped my hair."Psh yeah okay. See ya later,Kit-Kat!"He got out of my bed and ran to his room. I sighed and lied back down. I just realized I had to get ready too. Will is gonna teach me how to use my whip,shield and try to use a force field. Demi and Carrie only know how to use the force fields. I know how to use everyone else's powers though. Ben,Ken and Tom have Green goop powers,Oscar has a sword and Demi has fire powers. Carrie has a force field. I put my hair up in a braid,I wore camouflage jeans and combat boots."I'm ready now!"I shouted to Will. He appeared and wiped his eye."Okay,We shall start in the battle field."He made us appear to a 'battle' field."Now! Put your hands up in front of you as if you were pushing an invisible box."He told me. I nodded and put my hands up. I put pressure to the limit. I shut my eyes tightly until I started crying. I didn't open them, but I could feel my tears flying away."Yes! Good work!"Will shouted. So much wind was blowing in my face it started burning. I pushed harder and the air went away. I opened my eyes and found a blue and white bubble force field bubble around me."Good work! My job here is done!"We came back to the house. Noelle was sitting in a chair and drinking tea. She looked at us and laughed."Guys,Be careful with those powers of yours."She got up and shook her head while laughing."Yeah,Yeah, I'm gonna go to the mystery shack."I jumped out the door. I ran to the shack hoping that I could see the pines twins. I got there and ran into Wendy. She was on her way to work I guess."Hey,Sorry. Especially how Dipper got into a crash..."She rubbed the back of her neck."Wait what?!?"I screamed."Oh yeah! You were with your family yesterday! Yeah uh Dipper went to get something from the jewelry store,with the golf cart and some lunatic ran into him. The guy was a rich man and now the Pines' are basically rich."She pointed to the shack with her thumb."N-No! I gotta see him!"I got up and teleported to the hospital. I ran through the doors and asked the person for his room number."Miss,He is in room 618, but please stop running."She looked at me. I nodded and walked to room 618. once I reached the room I took deep breaths. I opened the door and looked at Dipper,broken armed and his head had a lot of bandages."Dipper?"I pulled on my braid."Katelyn?"He looked at me."Yeah,it's me. How are you?"I asked sitting in the chair beside him."Not well. As you can see I got hit by a car,but it was all worth it because,I have a gift for you."He pulled out a tiny box and gave it to me. See,A normal girlfriend would say aww and open it. I am not a normal girlfriend. I got angry."No! Dipper it wasn't worth it! You could have gotten killed!"I pointed to him."What about you? You could have thought I was gonna break up with you!"He yelled."Who cares about me?!"I yelled/asked."I do!"He yelled back,putting a hand on my cheek. I started blushing like crazy!"I love you Dipper."I softly kissed his cheek."Yeah,I love you too,Kit-Kat."He hugged me."Look,I gotta go to Ken,Ben and Tom,I promised to play life and death with cannons."I walked away,laughing.

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