no girls allowed 2/"Friendly" fights

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Shadow Wolf's POV
I look at the boys closely and try to figure out who they were."Hey! Those were ours..!"A boy yelled from on top of an apartment. I looked up and my ears flopped.

"Screw you,slow pokes!"I flipped them off and threw the money from the bank back into the bank. The boy in the kite suit flew down as the boys came up to us and studied us."What Do you want?!"Kira asked as she flipped the raccoon boy off. I looked at the boy in the cape and smiled."I like your style!"I gave him a thumbs up and walked to the kite kid. "What are you a wolf in a cape? You look like a villain..."He asked me."I'm not a villain and my name is Shadow Wolf, who are you guys?"I asked."Oh us? We are the coon and friends. I'm the coon,that boy is the human kite,the other boy in tools is the human toolshed and that caped person is Mysterion."The raccoon boy said."You sound like Cartman...and you sound like Kyle..."I pointed to them."Who are you guys?"Mysterion asked."We are the Mystic Avengers. I'm Shadow Wolf,that's Mayflower,that is The Gryphon and that is the Mystic Mermaid."I point to them."You sound familiar...does your name have a "K" in it by any chance?"The Human Toolshed asked me."Oh look! The cops are coming! We can take this. After all,we did fight the bad guys."I smile and tie up the bad guys in a flash.

"Well, we would have got them! If we were a bit earlier,The human kite!"The Coon had yelled at him."Dude, I'm way faster than you,fatass!"The Human Kite pushed The Coon."Aye! Don't call me fat! You stupid Kite!"The Coon yelled.

"Hello!? Is anyone there?"A deep voice yelled. "The police!"I said as my ears perked up."Hello?-- Shadow Wolf? Who are these guys?"The police held up a gun and pointed to them. They all looked kinda scared."These girls are my friends. And those boys are okay I guess."I said."How sweet!"The Coon said."Except The fat guy, you can keep him."I laughed."Aye, don't call me fat, you....were joking..."He said. I laughed and started to climb the ladder on the apartment building."Bye,Team!"Mira said and turns into water,leaving. "Bye!"Kira says and gets a vine ride to the adoption home."Well, Goodbye!"The Gryphon started flying home. I shrugged and started walking across the roof. I felt light and tired. I started glowing and started to float. After I realized I was actually just transforming into my normal self. I growled and fell down. "Ow.."I say and teleported home. I got into bed just as Noelle walked to check on me.

"Hey kiddo! How has your day been? Did you and Kyle hook up?"She winked." We are just friends! Anyway, we only hung out for a bit and I left."I sat up in my bed."Why did you leave?"She came in and sat on my bed."On Facebook,there was a post saying they wanted me back. Shadow Wolf. They wanted her back."I looked away and hugged my knees."And you did it? I thought you quit being Shadow Wolf! After the,Problem back in 2012..."Noelle got up and walked to the door."Goodnight,Noelle."I said."Goodnight,Kitten."She says before leaving. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

~Morning Time~

Katelyn's POV (still)
I wake up with crusty eyes and a bad breath. I rush to the bathroom with a towel and my shampoo to hop in the shower. Nice,hot shower. I start thinking about what I'm gonna do when I go back to school. What am I gonna tell the boys? Gianna, Kira and Mira already know. Mira goes to the school I go to, even though she is part mermaid. I finished washing my body and hair and got out. I wrapped myself with a towel and walked to the sink to start bushing my teeth. As soon as I finished I walked out of the bathroom and through the hall. I ran to my room,shutting the door and start changing. I wore a black hoodie and and some black tights,along with some new white socks,black converse and my black fluffy hat. I walked downstairs and passed the table and seen pancakes.I took a minute to stare at it and shook my head,implying that I wasn't hungry. Before I leave I pick up my backpack and turn into a black messenger bag before I step outside and walk around town. I stop in the middle of the forest just as I remember that I forgot to put my eyeliner on. I snap my fingers and make it appear on my face,along with drying my hair and curling it. I growl as I can feel my fangs pop out. 'I can control myself and not turn into a wolf right?' I think to myself as I reach to town. I nod as my fangs go away. I pass by someone with an orange parka and smile."Hi Kenny!"I turn around.

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