The Dance

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Katelyn's POV
I slowly rise from my blankets with my eyes closed.

"I LIVE!"I shout and open my eyes. I turn to look at my alarm clock and see that it's Twelve o'clock PM. I gasp and jump out of bed and then running to the bathroom in my room. I stripped my clothes off and started the shower. I jumped in and started washing everything. Luckily,I don't have to shave a lot,since I can just make my body not grow hair in certain places. I started to rinse the the soap off and out of my hair and body. I closed my eyes and remembered what happened last night.

"Until we meet again,Shadow Wolf." Until we meet again. Until we meet again...

I open my eyes and find out that I had finished rinsing off. I turned off the shower and dried off. I blow dried my hair and made the blue stripe in my hair disappear. I put my dress on and my shoes. I Curled my hair and put a little bit of make up on.

The make up reminded me of her

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The make up reminded me of her. I hated her.

Her; the girl who goes to my school. The second richest girl who goes there,besides Pacifica. Tiffany Sanchez. The mean one. The popular friend of Pacifica. The bitchy hoe. She is definitely gonna be at the dance too, considering she came back from Italy.

I say on my bed and called Oscar in my room.

"Hey,you look great."He walks in my room."thanks,so do you."I say and compliment his white tux."Thanks, here is breakfast."He says and snaps his fingers,making oatmeal and fruit appear."Thanks,dude."I say and start to eat it."Hey, are you going to the dance with Dustin? It's funny how everyone in the family likes him too."Oscar asks."Ugh. No, we are just friends."I say calmly."Oh well. I don't think I wanna go with Gianna though. It was a dare to ask her and she said yeah...."H rubbed the back of his neck and looks away. I laughed as I finished it and clapped my hands to make it go to the sink."Why are you laughing?"He blushes. I laugh again and tell him what Gianna told me.

~Timeskip to two hours before the dance.~

Katelyn's POV (still)
I called my friends and told them to meet me at my house in an hour. Yeah my friends;Mira,Kira,Gianna,Stan,
Kyle,Kenny and Cartman. I would have invited Dustin too,but he already has a ride. Noelle rented a limo big enough for Carrie,Oscar,my friends and I. The dress I had was a bit comfortable,but not all the way. I got up from my bed and walked to my bathroom,grabbing a mint from the cabinet and then putting it in my mouth. I look in the mirror and realize the scratch from the Coon gave me is still on my cheek. I sigh and call in Carrie. She comes in and probably read my mind,because she nodded and healed my face,then leaving. I laugh and hide my costume in my closet. I enter my room and quickly go on my laptop. I didn't want to ruin my dress and burn it,so I put it on my desk.

Gianna's POV
I go to Katelyn's house,early, and find kyle opening the door. He looks at me and smiles. He invites me in and tells me that Katelyn is upstairs. I nod and go upstairs. I knock on her door.

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