Chapter 2

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It is around 10:00 when I woke up, it was late but I don't care. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I look myself in the mirror and almost take a step back from my reflection. My pale skin has lost its light glow which now makes me look like a ghost, I have red tear streaks going down my face and deep bags under my eyes. I wash off my face and hopped in the shower, after I showered I got back out and dry off. I get dressed and walk in to my living room, I forgot I left my purse in here, I picked it up my to see my phone buzzing, I got 30 texts from Rye saying how sorry he's sorry and how I should forgive him, I unlocked  my phone and block his number. I put my phone on the table and walk into the kitchen to make myself some breakfast,  after I ate I call my landlord and told him how I was moving in 2 weeks time. He says he has someone wanting my apartment so he agreed and and gave me two weeks to pack my things. Most of my things were already packed ,I have been planning to move for months but I couldn't bring myself to tell Rye, I was even going to stay here for him, but it looks like I don't have to now, but he wasn't my real mate so I guess it doesn't matter. I got out a couple more boxes and began packing the rest of my things.

--------------Two weeks later-------------

Once all my things are packed I call the apartment complex I was staying at in America and made sure the apartment was still reserved for me, it was and after I confirmed it I bought my ticket to America and after 18 hours and give or take a few minutes I was in America on my way to my new apartment in Michigan. Even though I will miss my aunt and uncle, it was nice to get away and have a change and not be reminded of him. Within another half an hour I'm at my complex along with this truck that held my belongings, I go to my landlord and get my key, I walk up the stairs and unlock the door. It was roomier then my other apartment and it feels cozy, the air is fresher and I know I'm going to love it here.

"I hope the forest are bigger here" Mayu said.

"Me too" I said a little excitingly, I looked behind me to see the movers move in my bed. It doesn't take too long to move all of my belongings into my new apartment but it's not the fastest either but I can't complain, all my belongings are now moved and I'm in America. I still have to unpack but only the stuff for my bed room so I can sleep, I start classes here in two days. I found the box and mov it to the best of my ability to my bedroom, I unpack my sheets and made my bed. Once my bed was fully made I flopped on top and knocked out.

The Alpha's fawnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora