Chapter 10

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Yuna P.O.V

Finishing up breakfast most everyone was already done and had left and people had come and collected their plates and wiped  down the table. Connell has left about 10 minutes ago, he finished really fast.

"If you need me I'll be in my office" He told me before he left. Should I go there now that I'm done, well Aleda is still here looks like she just finished.

"Hey Yuna, want to hang out?" Aleda asks suddenly.

"Yeah sure, sounds like fun" I say smiling.

"Ok well let's go." Aleda gets up and grabs my hand and leads me out the doors of the pack house in the direction of the recreation house.

"So um what's it like being a witch in a werewolf pack?" I ask, that was maybe too forward but I wanted to ask right away cause I wanna know how she fit in this seemingly spider's web of a pack.

"Oh how'd you know?"

"You mentioned it when we first met that you were going to practice magic before leaving"

"Oh yeah, oh well it's interesting honestly, it's not something you see everyday and the way it happened is an interesting story too" she replies

"Well we have time to talk so.."

"Well true, it's kinda long but it all started 16 years ago when my mother Teressa gave me to Connell and Iris's Father, the previous alpha, he took me in and raised me as his own for my mother as when they were young they were very close, and they were basically siblings."

"Really, wow that's so interesting" I add.

"Yeah, you see my Mom and adoptive Dad are both from Italy, and they grew up in a community where there were different types of creatures so they met, and became basically siblings, so when they parted Connell's father moved to the states to begin a new pack with his mate. They still kept in touch and visited each other when they could. My adopted Dad became an alpha of a powerful new pack and my mom went to work for my biological father, The Wizard of Taurus."

"タウルスの魔法使い!? (Wizard of Taurus!?)" I exclaim stopping mid- walk.

"What?" Aleda says, I calm myself and say it in English.

"Wait wait wait, your father is Thee Wizard of Taurus, like the real Wizard?" I ask in disbelif.

"Yep, and I'm next in line to inherit his title as the next Wizard of Taurus" she states, continuing to walk down the path, my jaw drops and I am in shock for a second before I quickly catch up to her.

"Well technically I would be the Witch of Taurus but anyway back the story, when my mother was being pursed by some evil forces she was forced to give me up to save my life."

"Who was your mother being pursued by?" I ask.

"The Sorceress Morana"

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