Chapter 6

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Yuna's P.O.V

Two hours later.......

I've been waiting here for the past 2 hours, I think at least 2 hours. Mayu and I tried to count the seconds and minutes to see how long I would have to wait till Connell's sister would get here. I never thought it would take her this long to get here. Suddenly I heard someone walking towards the door, I couldn't smell Connell so it probably wasn't him so is it his sister? The door clicked unlocked and opened to a girl with pastel pink hair and paler skin then mine with these nice brown eyes.

"So you must be my brothers new mate" she with a hint of curiosity, there it is again the hinting that I'm not the only mate he's had.

"Am I not his first?"

"That's a discussion you should have with Nell, anyway I'm Iris; Nell's sister" she replied,

"I'm Yuna, Connell's mate" I said.

"Nice to meet you Yuna, now come on we need to get going if we want to see all the houses before dinner" she said back with a hurry. I stood up from the bed and followed her out the door back to the hallway and down the stairs. There wasn't as many children as there was before nor adults but there still was some and they all took a quick glance at me before going back to their own things, except that one girl she was still giving me the stink eye; leaving me to wonder again about what did I do?

"Don't worry about her none, she probably just some hoe he fücked on the side; now she jealous he has a new mate, us" Mayu said confident and reassurance in her tone.
Is it true, did he have a another woman?

"Hey you listening" Iris said knocking me out of my thoughts. Wait, how are we already in the warrior house, or what I think is the warrior house.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm listening I just got lost in thought for a bit, continue on" I replied finally catching up.

"Alright, well this is the warrior house where all our warriors and to-be's live. It's pretty self explanatory, there are 50 rooms each with its own bathroom with elevators to get from floor to floor.
Now on to the next house the maternity house" she said turning on her heels and walking towards the door, I quickly followed behind her and we followed the pathways till the we entered the maternity house. It had these baby pink walls with baby blue rims, very baby inspired but it is a maternity house so it's nothing that already wasn't expected.

"As you already know this is the maternity house, it is the same structurally as the warrior house but minus the training rooms and add the frilly cute baby rooms and delivery rooms. But the special thing about the maternity house is that all the rooms  are sound proof and the walls have an enchantment on them so no one can get in or out without some bond or connection with the alpha or Nell in this case"she elaborated.

"If that's true then how did I get in without setting somthing off ?" I asked curiously

"Even though your bond with Nell is not completed yet, there is still a bond and that is enough to get through the barrier" she explained to me. 


"Well anyways because females can't shift due to pregnancy the barrier acts as an extra precaution for spy or rouges that try and sneak in; other than that that's pretty much it, now on to the thirds house" she finished turning towards the door . We walked through the doors and started on the paths again. On our way there we started seeing people make their way towards the pack house, Iris checked her watch and that's when she gasped.

"Oh dang it, we have to go back or were gonna be late for dinner; I've been late to many times and if I'm late once more I'll be stuck on dishwashing duty, and there is no way in hell in going back to that hell hole" she said, I looked at her a bit confused that's when I realized it was basically night time and the sun was setting, man time does fly when you are having fun or touring giant pack grounds. She paced a little mumbling to herself before she continued.

"Can you shift?" She asked hastily

"Yeah, but I don't know if you know yet but I'm a deer-shifter" I answered a little nervous on how she will react to her brother's mate being a deer-shifter and not a werewolf.

"Oh yeah I know my brother told me when he told me to show you around, now shift, you can borrow clothes from me after" she said before shifting into a dark chestnut colored wolf, then running off ,I was caught off guard by her already knowing I wasn't a werewolf but then shifted as well and ran after her. I followed behind  but the headstart she got was not a good one, or at least in my case. Then that's when she took a shortcut and I lost her, her fur blended in with the forest around us and so when she took the shortcut I lost her. The path was I guess pretty clear so I just started to walk and hopefully find her again. Then my 6th sense kicked in.

"Danger is right behind you, so slowly look to your left" Mayu said, I did what she said and slowly look behind me and there stood a jet black wolf with these red eyes, he had dirt matted in his fur making him smell foul. He started growling at me angrily, he was not happy.

"What are you just standing their for, RUN!" Mayu yelled at me, I took off running down the path I could hear it's paws rushing behind me gaining on me. I ran faster and faster I was scared out of my wits, I did not want to be killed in the same day I found my mate. Then the wolf lunged and bit down hard on my back leg . I let out a painful baaing noise and fell to the ground, I could tell he was about to go for the kill before Iris came and lunged at him quickly pulling out his throat and killing him, man she is one good fighter. After killing the wolf she came over to me and nudge me a bit whimpering an apology, I shifted back despite the pain and stroked her head.

"It's ok I'm fine, I just don't know how I'm going to get to dinner with my leg like this" I said softly ; she barked and laid down and started to point to her back. I guess she wants me to get on, so I slowly started crawling towards her until I was close enough to climb on I grabbed on to her fur and tried not to fall off as she slowly starting to stand up. Then she swiftly started running through the path, the forest flashed by us like lightning. Before I knew it we were back at the pack house, she went to the backyard and went through this giant doggie-door. Once inside you could see that the floor had tile and that that it had clothes hanging up, guess she was prepared. Iris let out a howl before laying down letting me slide down, I grunted a bit on the way down but was mostly fine; Iris shifted back and instantly had a look of absolute concern.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry Yuna I should have been paying more attention to you and slowed down, and look at your wound an....." Iris started rambling in concern so I interrupted her before she went any further.

"Iris, Iris, I'm fine, are you ok though did that other wolf hurt you?" I asked her concerned about her own scratches. A look of shook grew on her face from my concern.

"I'm fine, it's you with the huge bite mark in her thigh that's currently bleeding"

"Oh yeah, but your scratches are bleeding to" I replied, just then the door bursted open to Connell, who might I add did not look happy at all.

"What. Happened?" He asked in a deadly tone that sent shivers down my spine.

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