The Demon: Revealed

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When Sebastian got home he opened the door. He looked at the cat, it looked back up at him, he put up a hush motion and whispered. "Stay quiet Kitty." The cat shivered but not cause he was still cold, it was because it found Sebastian's voice so enticing.
Sebastian held it closer and made it up to his bedroom. Sebastian sat the cat down for a split second and turned around to take the milk downstairs. When he came back all his cats where out the closet. He looked at his favorite black cat and face palmed.
"Raven.." he spoke softly. The small black kitten looked up at Sebastian. At the moment she was laying down by the new cat keeping it warm, with some others help. Sebastian looked at her. "I know you let everyone out but I do appreciate you helping our new friend." Raven meowed happily. A bit later, the newcomer was all warm.
Sebastian sat on the bed. He put the cat in his lap and petted it softly. He had already fed it. The cat purred. Sebastian looked at it golden eyes. The thought of Claude came to mind. He looked closer then cat change. Sebastian's eyes widen as he saw Claude.
Claude almost fell out Sebastian's lap since he moved suddenly but Sebastian caught his arm, keeping him up. "F-Faustus?.." Sebastian said as he looked at Claude's black ears and tail. Claude looked at him. He didn't answer. Sebastian put a hand on his cheek. "It truly is you.." Claude blushed softly but purred.
For a while, Sebastian had missed Claude. He missed their fights. He missed their talks. He missed Claude period. To be honest, if Alois was never here Claude and Sebastian could've been friends..maybe even more than just that...
Claude pulled away. "Thanks for caring for me." He said softly. At first Sebastian didn't know what he was talking about but then he realized. "Of course. What type of Phantomhive Butler would I claim to be if I didn't." Claude rolled his eyes. "So what now.." Claude asked getting a bit uncomfortable in Sebastian's lap.
Sebastian looked at his watch and saw it was after 10:30 p.m. "You should probably rest. Its late." Sebastian told him. Claude nodded and got out his lap. Claude laid in the blankets. Sebastian looked at him, he got in bed with him. Claude blushed but didn't face Sebastian. "What are you doing?.." He asked. Sebastian faced away.
His back faced Claude's back. He sighed. "Well this is my bed so.." Claude sighed. "Oh yeah..." Sebastian closed his eyes. "Just sleep Faustus.." Sebastian said softly. He didn't need sleep but that wasn't gonna stop him from watching Claude as he slept.
Claude soon fell asleep, his tail swayed back and fourth softly behind Sebastian. Sebastian slowly sat up, he gently turned to Claude to where he was facing his back. He hugged Claude's hips gently. "Glad your back...Claude..." he said softly and closed his eyes while going to sleep for the first time in a while.

My Neko Lover: Claude Faustus~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang