This Newly Found Love

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Sebastian glared at Claude. "You almost got caught by my master!" Claude curled into the blankets. He meowed. "So..." Sebastian yelled. "If he caught you, he would tell me to get rid of you!" Claude looked at him. "So..why would you hate me..."
Sebastian growled and grabbed Claude by the back of his neck. Claude yelped and turned to his human-ish form. "What are you-?!" It was then, Sebastian kissed Claude roughly on the lips. When Claude didn't kiss back in time Sebastian was gonna pull away. But Claude wrapped his arms around Sebastian's neck.
Claude kissed him back, passionately. Sebastian held his hips up and smiles. He pulled away. Claude blushed at him. "Your mine Faustus" Sebastian smirked a bit. Claude tsked and pulled away from Sebastian. "Just because I kissed you don't mean I like you.."

Claude said coldly. Sebastian chuckled and started circling Claude. "That's not what that kiss said~" He whispered in Claude's ear. Claude was about to say something when he heard loud barking again. He swayed his tail and looked out the window in excitement. Sebastian glared and pulled him back. "No.." Is all he said.
Claude sighed. Later at night, Claude got in Sebastian's bed. Sebastian came in holding pink spotted pajamas. He looked at Claude. "Hey, try these on for me.." Claude glared. "Once heaven allows me to come back.." Claude said with sarcasm. He glared and Sebastian smirked. "I WILL force you." Claude rolled his eyes and closed them.
Sebastian went over to him, and swiftly put the pajamas on him. Claude yelped and blushed. He looked at the costume and whined. "Y u do this.." Sebastian chuckled. "You look so cute." Claude blushed and sighed and pulled Sebastian down.
He hugged Sebastian into his chest. "Whatever..." Sebastian blushed but nuzzles his chest. Like that, the two demons slept.
The next morning, Claude was still sleep. He had been awake already. He softly pet Claude's ears, that would twitch from time to time. He smiled. He looked out the window and could tell the sun was coming up. Sebastian sighed and went to pull away but something around his waist, tightly held him close to Claude.
He looked down and saw Claude's tail wrapped around him, as well as his arms. Sebastian blushed softly and grabbed Claude's face. Claude meowed in annoyance and opened one of his eyes. Sebastian kissed him passionately and pulled away from Claude after Claude loosen his grip. "I have to go wake up the lord, kitty" He said and chuckled.
Claude pouted slightly but nodded. "Ok.." Sebastian smiled and petted him then left the room. Claude turned into a cat and opened Sebastian's closet. Cats jumped out on him and he hissed. They quickly jumped off. Claude shook off and looked at them. Raven ran to him and jumped on him. 'You and master Sebastian huh? So cute!' Claude meowed. "You say it as though we're a couple.."
Spade, one of Raven's friends, nodded. "You two might as well be.." Claude meowed again but didn't say anything. Claude heard that barking again. He sighed and opened the window. He jumped out, landing on his paws again, and ran over to Finny and Pluto. Pluto saw him and glared at him, he growled. The cats in Sebastian's window watched closely. Finny looked down at Claude. "Oh hi moonlight, um now is not the time." He said while holding Pluto back.
Claude walked over to Pluto, he meowed. Pluto stopped trying to attack him and looked down. He leaned his head down and licked Claude's ear. Claude purred. Sebastian glared deeply looking at them. In seconds he was by Claude. He picked him up and walked away. Pluto pouted and whined and Claude looked back at him

My Neko Lover: Claude Faustus~Where stories live. Discover now