The Demon: Curious

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The next morning, Sebastian was already awake. He got out of bed before Claude woke up. He sat on the edge looking back at the other. Claude was still sleep. His tail wrapped around his own waist. His ears twitched cutely. Sebastian felt something run down his nose. He rubbed it and saw blood. His blushed and went to clean it.
He came back, avoiding to step on the many cats that were sprawled all over the floor, and looked at Claude. He was now in his cat form, his little nose twitched cutely and Sebastian couldn't take it. He shook Claude softly. "Faustus..wake up.." he said softly.
Claude meowed softly and curled into a tighter ball. Sebastian tried not to explode from Claude's cuteness. Sebastian shook him a bit harder. "Faustus..wake up.."
Claude meowed once again. Sebastian sighed and made his best Alois expression. "Claude! Lets fuck!" He said. Claude jumped up and fell out of bed, Sebastian caught him, Claude shook his head. "Nooooo!" Then Claude paused, he looked up at Sebastian.
Sebastian laughed. Claude got out his arms and pushed Sebastian against the wall, his tail swayed irritability. "Michaelis..that wasn't very nice.." Sebastian blushed softly but switched their places. " in my my my master's manor. I can practically do whatever I want with you..." he spoke darkly.
Claude gasped and looked away, pushing away Sebastian. "Whatever.." Sebastian dusted himself. He already had his uniform on. "Now if you excuse me...I have to work..." He walked out the room. Claude stared at his ass but looked away.
He sighed and looks at all the cats. He meowed softly as they meowed back softly in their sleep. He was surprised, they all did it at the same time. "Hm..." he humped his shoulders and jumped in the window will while in his cat form. He looked outside. He was so bored the he heard loud barking and yelling from a voice.
The cats that were sleep previously jumped up and ran in the closet. Claude tilted his head. Then he saw Raven. 'Everyone is so scared of that mutt..' she said to Claude. Claude tilted his head. 'Its just a regular dog right?..' he asked. Raven shook her head.
'No..he's a demon..' she said back. He nodded. 'Hm..' he opened the window and jumped out landing on his paws. Raven watched in curiosity. Claude's curiosity got the better of him and he ran to the barking noises. He went threw the woods and his eyes widen.
Their was a huge demon wolf. Its hair was gray. Claude stared at it then he saw a blond hair. He had a farmers hat on and some gardening clothes on. "There you go Pluto! Will you be good now?" He asked. 'Pluto' barked and wagged his tail.
Claude was so curious. He walked up to the two and meowed to get their attention. The boy looked at him and smiled. "Why hello Kitty, my name is Finnian, Finny for short. I'm the Gardner here." He pet behind Claude's ear making him purr. All of a sudden Claude heard loud barking. His ears rung and he looked up.
Pluto was trying to attack him but Finny held him back. "Stop Pluto!" Finny yelled. After Claude just sitting there as finny held Pluto back he heard a voice. "Pluto sit." It was such a demanding voice. Claude looked back and saw Sebastian.

My Neko Lover: Claude Faustus~Where stories live. Discover now