You Little Shit

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Sebastian's jealousy got the better of him. Expecially when Grell kissed Claude's little cat lips. Claude kissed back of course but it was only out of natural animal reflexes. An aura of black flooded into the room. Claude looked at Sebastian and shivered.
Sebastian looks quite scary right now.. Claude thought. Grell giggled and held Claude closer. "Bassy?~ are you really that jealous that I kissed your cat?~" Sebastian glared deeply as Grell smirked widely. Sebastian walked over to Grell. "5..."
He started to count down. He walked slowly but surely. He started to take off his gloves. His sign glowing in the now dark room. Grell shivered. "Oh Bassy!~ You excite me to no end!~" Sebastian growled. "4..." Grell scratched Claude's black ears as Claude meowed and purred.
Sebastian's eyes glow brightly and in seconds he's was in Grell's face. "3 2 1..." Sebastian grabbed Grell by his hair and pulled Claude away from him. Grell yelped. "Ah! Not the hair!" Sebastian put Claude down on the counter and dragged Grell out the Manor.
Sebastian had been calmed down. He looked at Grell. "Grell leave before I kill you without your reaper friends being here to save you..." Grell gulped and squeaked. "O-ok" Sebastian let his hair go and in seconds, Grell was gone. Sebastian sighed.
"Claude.." He walked back in the Manor and went to the kitchen looking for Claude. Claude wasn't in there and Sebastian hissed out a curse word. He was fed up with Claude. He didn't like how Claude just let people touch him. He didn't like how Claude was being so friendly. It pissed Sebastian off so he decided, he'd soon have to do something.
He went looking for Claude. He looked around, he silently walked down the hall where his master's study was. He saw something black and furry walking at the door. He looked closer and found it was Claude. He panicked a bit on the inside. He walked up to the other but Claude walked in the study. "Fuck..." Sebastian cursed.
Ciel was taking a nap on his desk. Claude tilted his head and walked over to the teen. Ciel was now fifteen years old. Sebastian tried to grab Claude before he got to close but somehow Claude dodged him. Claude jumped on the desk by Ciel's head.
He meowed softly and then the was a loud sneeze that came from the boy. Claude screeched in surprise and Ciel quickly woke up. He erupted in sneezes. Sebastian, in a split second, grabbed Claude and hid him beside his back. Ciel calmed down a bit and wiped his nose. He looked up at Sebastian and glared.
"Sebastian...what happened before I woke up.." Sebastian tried to come up with a white lie but couldn't think of one. He was saved as the was screaming. The doors bust open with an excited Prince Soma and servant Agni. Ciel tried to escape quickly but Soma jumped on him. "Ciiiiiiiell!~" Ciel groaned. He's like the male version of Lizzy... Agni looked at Sebastian's back. He saw the black fluffy cat. "Hm?"
Sebastian disappeared out the room as ciel struggled with Soma. Sebastian went to his room and laid Claude on the bed. "You little shit..." Claude meowed. "Such a language for a butler.."

My Neko Lover: Claude Faustus~Where stories live. Discover now