7. One

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Chapter 7 - One

My alarm goes off. I stirred on my bed while covered in my duvet. The alarm is getting annoying so I reached the clock on the night table and throw it somewhere, and it stopped. As the sunshine seep through my eyes, my eyelids begin to flutter. I sit down on the bed and clutched my aching head.

"Damn those beers. Now I'm behind my schedule. Aish!"

Does someone knew how difficult it is to get out from bed and act happy for the day when all you want to do is break down in tears? If someone does, I wish I can talk to that person. Because you cannot sympathize to a person until what happened to them, happened to you.

Cans of beers and tissue papers scattered on the floor. I walked into the bathroom and splashed some cold water to my face. I looked up in the mirror and stared at the person who is facing me.

Bloodshot eyes, swollen cheeks, pale face, white chapped lips, hair sticking out to every direction, and black circles around my eyes. This isn't me. Then happenings yesterday crashed on me. Jongin. I was left dumbfounded when Jongin shouted on me. He's been with me for five years, been my friend, my shoulder, my brother. I've never seen his face like that, he's so angry, and I'm so scared. He's been my companion when I'm alone, but now that he walked out on me, what do I do?

I didn't feel that the tears streaming down my face. But I still need to go to my café, I'm devastated and have been left out, but I shouldn't do that to others. Ruth and Katie, they're surely busy managing the café while I'm not there.

So I took a quick back and didn't mind to eat breakfast because I'm behind my schedule, and also, I don't have appetite. I took the bus instead my car. I'm too tired to drive, and I feel weak. I don't think I can hold the steering wheel at all. The bus is not crowded. Only a few passengers are with me. I sat at the farthest. I leaned my head on the window and watched the sceneries that passes by. And Jongin came into my mind again. Should I talk to him? We hadn't had an argument that lasts for a day. We always ended up peacefully whenever we fight. This is the first time. And I can't stand it. So I've decided. I'll apologize to him. But for what? What did I do to make him upset? But still... I have no choice, he's so important to me. I can't afford to lose him.

I got down on my stop and walked for a minute to arrive at my café. Ruth and Katie welcomed me.

"Goodmoring boss!" Said Katie.

"How have you been?" Asked Ruth.

"Still the same. Just some headache, but everything's fine." I told them and smiled. I walked to the pantry and checked the stocks and the report of the café while I'm away.

I looked at my watch. 9:35 AM it displays. Jongin should be here, is he late, or perhaps, he's avoiding me. I decided to just wait for him for more minutes and concentrate on what I am doing. I'm too into reading reports until I heard some murmuring at the counter.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Katie, what do you think of me? Of course. Once boss walked inside the café I can feel him."

"Do you think he'll be able to handle the news?"

"What news?"

"Jongin-ssi left to New York for one month I think? And from what I heard from him, they had a fight so he didn't have time to tell it to boss."

"Oh. That's why he looks so down today."

The news made me stupefied, my knees weaken, the clip board I was holding met the floor.

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