Chapter 1

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A/N I'm so excited to get this story going, I've been looking forward to it for a long time !! The only note I have is about the location of where this story takes place. I essentially made up a place that's kind of like California, warm all year round but they still speak British. It is a beach town, but 10 minutes away is a city. Harry works in the city, Louis lives in the city, but Harry lives in the beach town, and we'll see more of that the further we get into the story. Thanks !!


Harry looked around the park as he held Scout's leash in his hand, the 5 month old puppy walking along side him perfectly in step.

So far he had to say her training was going more than well. Scout didn't tug on the leash, or try to pull Harry one way and then another. Instead she happily walked along side him, stopped when he stopped and was learning commands faster than any of the other dogs Harry has ever trained. Maybe because the park wasn't too crowded today they could try some off leash training, and at the thought Harry smiled down at the puppy, making a fist and curling in his arm, signaling Scout to sit.

And it was immediate she sat, her eyes focused on Harry and hoping she would get a treat. Of course he gave her one too, pulling out a small piece of food from his pocket before raising his hand and facing his palm towards her, making sure she would stay as he unclipped the leash.

"Scout stay," Harry said, keeping his eyes on the puppy as he slowly stood up and wrapped up the leash in his hand. "Good girl. Stand," he said, his smile only growing as she stood up as soon as she saw the signal.

Harry could spend hours just walking around the park with one of the dogs, whether it was training, running or just going for a nice walk. And that's just what the two did, Scout staying off her leash as she walked beside Harry, the both of them just soaking in the sun.

They were only walking along the park's path for 10 minutes though when he saw Scout's ears perk up, something grabbing her attention, and that was something Harry desperately didn't want.

"Scout," he said almost firmly, needing her to focus back on him

But then Harry heard what had taken the puppy's attention away from him, a baby's cry not too far from them echoed through the air, and it was only a second later Scout took off running.

"Scout!!" Harry yelled, going wide eyed as he watched her take off.

She didn't stop though, instead kept running as fast as she could down the pavement, and at the sight Harry placed his hand over his gun holster, making sure it wouldn't bounce against his belt as he chased after her.

He probably looked like a madman as he ran, or that he was chasing after a criminal since he was in his uniform, but no. His 5 month old puppy got the best of him.

Harry followed the sounds of the baby's cry, knowing that's what Scout was running to, and sure enough he found her sitting under a tree getting pet by some guy as he tried to bounce a wailing newborn in his arms.

"Scout!" he said, the dog's ears immediately perking up at his voice. "Come, now!"

The puppy trotted over to him, Harry meeting her halfway and as soon as she was in reach he clipped her leash back on.

"Hey, sorry mate, he just came up to me."

Harry opened his mouth, about to correct this guy but before he could utter anything he picked his head up, Harry's eyes immediately finding a pair of piercing blue ones staring back at him.

K-9's and Blue Eyes (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now