Chapter 5

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Harry couldn't stop the smile that came to him as he put his whistle in his mouth and waved to some of the people watching the parade.

He knew how much everyone loved watching the dogs, and of course they were leading the other officers, all the dogs except for Scout who was on her leash all lined up and following the green eyed lad's commands. Whenever they stopped Harry had the dogs doing tricks or would walk Scout over to the crowd to let some of the kids pet her. But no matter what the dogs were doing, being it something as simple as rolling over or the harder tricks like standing on their hind legs everyone went crazy over it.

Harry was waiting until they got to where Louis was watching from to pull out the big guns though. He wasn't going to lie, he wanted to show off to the older lad a bit what the dogs could do, and that way Louis would be even more impressed with him. Harry swears if he didn't have the dogs he wouldn't have any "charm" or whatever Liam calls it. He would just be a boring, normal cop.

"H where did you say he was watching from?" Liam asked after he gave all the dogs a treat for doing their tricks, that being his one job.

"He's on Madison and 5th," Harry said, waving and smiling at the kids as they tried to get Scout's attention.

Liam hummed, that being only two blocks away and he wanted to keep his eyes out for this Louis guy. He had to check him out and make sure he was good for his best mate, Harry was practically his little brother, he had to look after him.

As Harry walked over to some of the kids with Scout Liam did a few tricks with the dogs, needing them to stay focused on something since there were so many people and distractions. But it only took them a few minutes before they got to the street where Louis was supposed to be and Harry was looking absolutely everywhere for him.

"Liam! Li, there he is!" Harry said excitedly, pointing out the blue eyed lad and the stroller he had.

Liam looked to where Harry was pointing and just from one glance he could see why the younger lad liked him. "Ready to put on a show?" he teased, knowing Harry's little plan.

"Of course," Harry scoffed, waving to Louis and Zayn who was also there one more time before focusing back on the dogs and putting his whistle in his mouth.

He whistled loudly, getting the dogs' attention before he gave his commands. "K90, line up!" he yelled, all of them getting in a perfect line.

And that was the first of many, many tricks Harry had the dogs do. He made sure they were right where Louis could see them before starting off, not even caring if they were holding up the parade because this was their time to shine.

Harry handed off Scout's leash to Liam before getting directly in front of the dogs and started off with some of the simpler tricks. He had them sit, roll over and howl all in unison, and it looked like a choreographed dance. But then Harry had them move onto some of the harder things. He gave the command to army crawl and just at that the crowd was clapping and screaming for the pets, Harry making sure to give the dogs treats after that one.

Next thing everyone knew they were sitting on their hind legs before saluting, following the curly haired lad's exact movements before he gave the sign for them to stand and walk on their hind legs. And when Harry glanced over to Louis he saw the older lad's jaw slack, but this was only the beginning.

Every single command the dogs followed, whether they were doing front paw stands, walking backwards, and one of Harry's favorites was playing peek a boo with them. He can't even say how long it took to teach them to cover their eyes with their paws as they sat on their hind legs, but the end result was adorable.

They couldn't stay in front of Louis forever though so Harry had to finish off strong with the hardest tricks he taught the dogs. He had all of them watch him, tapping his cheek and it was only a second later the dogs lined up behind each other, them walking forward and one by one standing on their hind legs so they were close to the green eyed lad's height and kissing his cheek.

K-9's and Blue Eyes (Larry Stylinson)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt