Chapter 4

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Liam threw his head back against the seat as he listened to Harry go on and on, even Teddy and Ollie at this point were yawning and close to falling asleep.

They've been driving around the city for over an hour and the younger lad just wouldn't shut up about Louis. Harry would go on and on about him, talking about everything from the way he laughed to how his eyes crinkled when he smiled.

"And mate you should see his little girl," Harry gushed, not even scanning the streets as he drove, not caring if they pulled someone over. "She's so sweet and so so happy, and Louis does anything to make her smile, I swear it's the cutest thing. And not only that but Lily loves Scout and all the dogs are comfortable with them and everything, it's just... It's perfect."

Liam let out a quiet breath as he glanced over at his best mate and bit his lip. "H you don't think that you're falling way too hard and too fast for this guy? I mean have you thought about everything like he has a kid, you have a pretty demanding career and-"

"It's not like we're getting married Li, I'm just saying," Harry scoffed.

"And I'm just saying you sound like a guy who is head over heels for someone they don't know all that well and was too scared to kiss."

At that Harry was quiet, shrugging slightly and keeping his eyes on the road. He still wanted to hit himself for not kissing Louis when he had the chance. The older lad just made him so nervous and Harry has never felt like this so quickly about someone before, it was terrifying.

"I do know him," he said quietly. "Ya know we got to talking, and all night it was so easy, like being with him is what I'm supposed to be doing."

And as soon as Harry said it he wanted to take it back, that was something definitely for his thoughts only. But now Liam knew and he was looking at him like he was mad.

"Harry," Liam breathed out, picking up his hat so he could run his fingers through his hair. "I'm not trying to sound unsupportive, cause I am supportive and everything, it just worries me a bit how crazy you are about him so quickly."

"Well, who knows if anything is even gonna happen between us," Harry muttered as he kept his eyes on the road. "I texted him after he left my place the other night and then I texted him again this morning to see if he wanted to meet up again or hang out but he still hasn't answered me..."

"Don't worry about it mate, I'm sure he's busy with his job and having Lily and everything," Liam tried to reassure him as he saw Harry internally freaking out.

"Yeah but even when he left my house he was kind of standoffish... I know I should've just kissed him, like fuck, he probably thinks I didn't like him or something."

"Just wait for his text H, it's all gonna be alright," Liam said softly.

And before Harry could overthink all of this some more he was interrupted by the radio.

"Dispatch to K90 we have a 10A on 212 South and 11th. Suspect is a male in mid 40's on foot running North, weapon possession, proceed with caution."

"Shit..." Liam whispered to himself as Harry flew the lights and sirens on. "K90 to dispatch we are in route. Requesting bomb squad back up at scene."

"I'll drop you off at the scene with Teddy, I'll take Oliver and pursuit suspect," Harry said, a 10A being a bomb threat or suspicious package so Teddy could handle that but at the same time he had to chase after this guy and catch him.

Liam nodded, letting out a deep breath as they got closer to the scene. "Teddy, stay with me."

Teddy barked at the brown eyed lad, and when Harry skidded into the scene only minutes later Liam hopped out of the car and opened the back door for the dog.

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