Chapter 2

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"I mean, I'm crazy for still thinking about him, right guys? It's been two weeks for heaven's sake, who knows if I'll ever see him again," Harry huffed, glancing in the rear view mirror to Ollie and AJ.

Liam side eyed Harry before looking behind him to the two dogs in the backseat and shaking his head. "Mate you know you can talk to me and not the dogs... Right?" he asked, always teasing the curly haired lad for how often he'll have full conversations with the dogs.

"Yeah well sometimes they're more help than you," Harry muttered.

"You're fuckin crazy H," Liam laughed, never understanding the younger lad and his weird bond with the dogs. "But seriously talk to me, I can help I swear!"

Harry let out a quiet breath as he kept his eyes on the road, just roaming around the city until a call comes in. "Alright fine... Well the dogs and I have been running in the park where Scout and I first saw him, ya know the one like 10 minutes from my house," he said, earning a nod from the older lad. "And I keep hoping we'll like, spontaneously run into him or something but every day we come up empty and I'm losing hope."

Liam had to almost bite his lip as he kept saying "we" including the dogs in absolutely everything he does. "Honestly mate you have his plate number, just put out an APB on him."

"I am not calling out a wanted person on him you nut!!" Harry said wide eyed, that definitely not the way to a man's heart.

Liam put his hands up, not thinking it was a completely terrible idea. "I guess keep goin to the park mate, that's your best shot if you don't want to put out a call."

Harry looked over at Liam and rolled his eyes before looking back to the road. "And you wonder why I talk to the dogs, you see, you're no help whatsoever."

"Well it's not like the dogs can even talk to you, I'm better than nothing!"

"What're you talking about? The dogs and I talk all the time, don't we boys?" Harry asked, glancing behind him to Ollie and AJ and saw the two wagging their tails happily. "See? We talk."

Liam had to physically stop himself from rolling his eyes at the younger lad. Yeah, he was close to the dogs as well, they listened to him like they listened to Harry, but the green eyed lad just had some intense bond with them.

Harry always said it was because he was the one who trained them and they live with him, they're family. But Liam couldn't help but find it a bit funny every time he'll talk to the dogs like they're people and as if they talk back. Liam knew how close the dogs were to each other, Ollie and AJ especially out of the four dogs they have on the unit, but Harry was most definitely the pack leader and the one the dogs looked to for everything.

"Well if you do find this guy in the park what're you gonna do? Ask him out?" Liam asked with raised eyebrows. "I mean you don't even know if he's gay or not. You did say he has a kid, so..."

"I dunno, maybe he's bi or something," Harry shrugged. "But Li if you saw the way he was looking at me, there's no way in hell that man is straight."

Liam scoffed, almost immediately getting a glare from Harry, but he couldn't help it. "Alright H, whatever you say. If you see him I guess use all that charm you use with the dogs or some shit to get him to go out with you," he laughed, only to stop a second later as the younger lad punched him in the arm.

"Fuckin ass," Harry muttered, feeling Ollie nuzzle his nose on his arm, wanting to comfort him. "I know buddy, Liam was being mean to me but I'm okay," he said, scratching between the dog's ears.

"Whatever," Liam said, rubbing his soon to be bruised arm.

"Dispatch to K90 we have a 273D on 15 Montgomery Ave. Suspect is white male, early 20's, possible weapon possession, proceed with caution."

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